
It makes sense when you realize they are actively pursuing open borders, which is weird given their affirmative stance on socialism.

Because you can’t increase the social safety net while simultaneously opening your borders. We know from the European migrant crisis that people actively move to the countries with the best benefits, so the options are either get rid of the social safety net and open the borders or get an immigration policy like every

I’m glad companies are focusing on the new breakthrough technology that is video. Not many people know this, but video can go on the internet. Already we are seeing the video in popular web pages like Fusplinivision and CNN News where it is huge hit probably and not an annoying waste of time at all.

OK, what does consent of the governed mean to you? Who is, “we the people” in a scenario of open borders.

The left’s continual denial of a political community will continue to get them marginalized from politics. Good riddance too.

Abolish the US of A bro, while we are at it let’s all give up our possessions and move into the woods where we can live as a hodgepodge of small communities that reflect the laws and value systems of each group.

Are they paid per person or just paid to follow federal law? The former may have issues. The latter, probably not. It would be weird to dole out grant money on a per person caught basis.

This is not a hot take. Try again when the moon is full.

Gaslighting has ceased to have meaning for about five years. Now it is a catch all for any duplicitous activity for dumb people who play fast and loose with language.

According to Reuters, a 2011 study of seven jurisdictions by the Migration Policy Institute found that in the first 10 months of 2010, half of the immigrants flagged to federal immigration officials had only committed misdemeanor crimes, including immigration violations that are classified as civil rather than

Good. If your business can only exist via exploiting low wage undocumented workers, your business shouldn’t exist.

“Like most efforts to round up undocumented people in great numbers to ready them for deportation, 287(g) program does more harm than good. According to Reuters, a 2011 study of seven jurisdictions by the Migration Policy Institute found that in the first 10 months of 2010, half of the immigrants flagged to federal

Like most efforts to round up undocumented people in great numbers to ready them for deportation, 287(g) program does more harm than good. According to Reuters, a 2011 study of seven jurisdictions by the Migration Policy Institute found that in the first 10 months of 2010, half of the immigrants flagged to federal

Maybe it is just population dynamics, too many people, need to thin the herd. With the temporary restraining of infectious disease, violence might be nature’s next alternative.

If they were smart they would just use explosives, like the insurgents have been doing for over a decade in our endless wars.

If NO ONE had guns, you could look to China and their knife/hatchet attacks. Maniacs have killed dozens and injured hundreds before being stopped. They’re often aggrieved groups, though.

Hundreds more. You can fire a bow pretty fast, and most people take those a lot less seriously than guns. It’s also a lot easier to sneak around and kill people.

That started before guns became common. America’s been swimming in blood since white man settled it.

Most likely one reason is simply that we’ve got more guns in this country. People don’t know how to deal with stress, they turn to violence and ever more powerful guns are a easily accessible instrument.

You should at least correct your grammar in your comment if I’ve reduced you to posting it over and over already.

Yes, please do see above.