
Fun fact Lincoln only won 40% of the popular vote in the 1860 election.

why fight for someone who can’t vote for you? The dnc would just be writing the attack ads for the GOP.

Prove it instead of just making a snarky comment.

Yep. Ive seen my rates go up on healtcare now that “affordable” healthcare is out there for people. I personally make enough to qualify for free healthcare, but as a business owner I’m “too rich” to receive it and instead need to pay now 20% more then before for health insurance.
Why not tackle the wildly outrageous

Have you read the obamacare law or a synopsis of it? It restricts competition, it’s anti capitalist. Insurance company A from Michigan can’t compete with Company B in Arizona because the law prevents it.

Ofcourse our healthcare costs are obsurd, were overweight, high diabetes rates, cancer rates, heard disease. We dont exercise, we dont eat healthy, we dont sleep enough, we are stressed and depressed. We have to fix those things instead of putting everyone on the government plan and paying for everyone to take

This is an incredibly narrowminded conclusion on the subject.

Yup, seems few people understand that Uber and Lyft only like people as customers. The fact that they are racing as fast as possible to replace human drivers is somehow lost on the majority of drivers who seem to think that driving people around was a growing and lucrative field of employment.

Someone who seems to have some sense. Good show chap.

You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of healthcare. You want a Gov run single payer system. That’s simply not a cost effective solution.

The free market works. If the job you have is not meeting your needs look for another job. These ride sharing (cognito taxi) services were never designed to be your major