
If the price of labor goes up - that means that the workers get paid more than illegals that have no work comp insurance, right to sue, etc. - then, yes, they will.

No, you’re the cancer. Guns are the cure!

You know that after Gawker folded, these sites became Gizmodo properties and guess who owns Gizmodo?

That’s not what is going to happen. Sectors that use illegal labor, agriculture for example, will have to hire legal workers and pay legal benefits.

I don’t think so. Look at the Hispanic vote in 2016. More of them voted for Trump than Romney. You know why? Because many Hispanics that feel they are here “the right way” don’t like illegals here.

I think that the Trump Administration’s “official position” actually IS that Warren is lying about being Native American. Sanders, like it or not, IS telling you what the Administration’s position on her is.

Who cares about these two? They’re admitted White Separatists. Who the fuck needs to know anything more about them? The NYT shouldn’t have run the piece to begin with. They obviously crave attention or else they wouldn’t have let the NYT run the story about them to begin with.

Really? How about Northern Ireland not so long ago? How about the West Bank? How about Serbia/Croatia not so long ago?

Well said. However, I’d argue that taking a real look at mental health may be the start of dealing with the bloodthirsty nature of the country.

What you’re saying is you think it’s bad that not everyone thinks like you do and you can’t always get your way.

You sound sane. Really.

You can’t pass a fucking law to ban accessories to make semi-autos fire as fast as fully autos.

You know there’s an enormous black market for guns in the US, right?

Jeez, just admit you lost the argument and move on. No need to throw a tantrum, dude.

They are relevant given what happened in New York last week, among other places.

Look at the violence in Northern Ireland for your answer there. You don’t need a gun to kill lots of people when you have other means. The belief that mass murders will disappear if guns disappear is not supported by any evidence and is, if anything, soundly refuted by history past and present.

Eh, lots of people use guns for hunting and recreational shooting. I’m sure you’re probably waxing your boyfriend’s ball sack but I’d rather go shooting.

Or, perhaps, many of those that support gun regulation are happy with the regulations currently in place and are not in favor of new, ineffectual proposals when the current laws aren’t being enforced.

Maybe because white men are more common than, say, black men? Whites are 70%+ of the population so obviously they’re going to probably be the “most” of anything.

He outlasts you.