
What are you, a FOX News idiot? Just because people have an opinion you don’t like doesn’t mean you cry about the messenger instead of the message.

You know that target shooting doesn’t kill anyone or anything, right? It’s a pretty popular pastime in the US and all over. It’s actually an Olympic event.

What do you consider to be an “assault weapon”? A gun, car, bomb, what? How about a machete? The Chinese are pretty handy with them. I’m sure we can match their skills if we tried. Are you going to ban them when some whack job goes crazy with one?

The other guy’s right. You haven’t proposed an idea that’s worth trying. Same old, same old. Why don’t you try and think of a policy that hasn’t already failed. Then maybe people will take your bullshit seriously.

Gun violence has existed forever in the US and likely always will. If you don’t like it, then you’re probably in for a lot of ineffectual whining on the internet. Oh, just like now! You’re already there!

Well, I’m sure he feels better about himself because he whined on the internet and that will, without doubt, lead to things changing.

You haven’t been able to make a counterargument to any of them, so . . .

Oh, yes, all the recent “talk” about putting bollards all over the place. How’s that “talk” progressing? I wonder if it will help the people that got run over in the New York.

No, what you just wrote is bullshit and avoiding the issue by crying about an argument you can’t rebut is weak shit that gives liberals a bad name.

Tell that to all the people that got run over in New York. I’m sure they would agree that the idea that someone would use a car to commit a mass murder would be pure idiocy that would never happen.

And in this case everyone is saying “mental illness is a problem.” There’s no difference between that and blaming radical Islam for what happened in New York.

How many would have been incinerated in an explosion, or stabbed, or run over by a car, or any of the other ways people commit mass murder in places where they don’t have access to guns.

If they’re not here legally, how are they “law-abiding”?

Nothing happened during the last six years of Obama’s Administration.

What you should be wondering is why idiot sites like this keep blasting everything he says like he’s Moses. You fucking morons. He lives for attention. He’s a real life troll. Making liberal bedwetters wet the bed is what makes him get up in the morning and you bozos just keep feeding the fire.  

The free market worked, and would still work, quite well in the US but for the rapidly expanding number of shitbags that refused to insure themselves via employer-provided coverage and/or obtained their own coverage.

It’s even better when people that have nothing substantive to say just chime in with nothing to say and try and pretend they’re smart even though they’re too dumb to actually write anything that contributes to the conversation.

That’s how the labor market works, eh?

OK. You tell us “how insurance works”.

Are you? All those people that you claim “couldn’t get insurance before but now can” are getting it via Medicaid and/or subsidies?