
Fiata????? Why have I never heard this before???? Too perfect.

If COTDs hadn’t become so boring this would be an easy choice

Enzo cladding

What happened to witty, entertaining COTDs instead of boring opinions?

I’m trying to think of something correct that he has said but I really can’t.

Make Lotus Great Again

It only takes 27 and a half centuries to pay for itself! Over the P90D, that is.

I don’t know how to feel about this. I think the death of the ICE is imminent.

That’s ugly as sin. With all due respect, Mr. Okuyama should have stopped with the Enzo.

Shitty Racing Technology

Shit... I guess I have to come out of the Millennial closet. But I just barely make it in.

But according to “official” definitions, aren’t people around that age actually millennials themselves?

fair enough

Can someone explain to me what a millennial is??? I see the term being thrown around a lot but the things people say about millennials make no sense (if Google’s approximation of a millennial as someone “reaching young adulthood around the year 2000" is correct).

No need to troll... however, there was a big overreaction from both sides. I think Clarkson should have been fined by BBC or perhaps forced to pay damages to Tymon. Firing him was a big and costly mistake, and there were alternatives that could still have let him and other people know that punching people when things

Is anyone else seeing a strong resemblance to the F-type, other than the rear end?

this is what we call “trying too hard”

I would like to contribute my personal Camry Dent (lighting is bad but I was so excited about this that I had to run outside at 9:45 pm to take a picture for you)

yeah! woo

one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever witnessed