Kara the official Jez Beyologist.
Kara the official Jez Beyologist.
Not enough stars in the sky
“Sick burn!”
Shut ‘er down boys, this is as good as it gets. Thanks to everyone that showed up to this comment section, we’ll see you next time.
+ $50
Oh this is very good. +1
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
People should only be allowed to use paper towels after taking an intenstive training class and can verify they don’t need 4 sheets to dry their hands. I always want to lecture my co-workers after they use 3 or 4 sheets, and each one is only like 1/4 wet...”You realize that instead of barely using 4 sheets you could…
I can't stop listening to this song.
Bohemian Rhapsody had five producers. Roy Thomas Baker and the four members of Queen. Yay idiotic racist memes!
They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?
I wasn't aware having ink put into your skin had anything to do with work effort or studying skills.
Dave Chappelle has been doing a run at The Chapel in San Francisco. At a 2 am show on Friday Morning, he turned on…
I understand her intent, but trying to convince people she wasn’t being abused by saying she would “never let [herself] be a victim,” is some serious victim-blaming BULLSHIT.
“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”
I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.
I love this because you know all Kylie has ever wanted is Blac Chyna’s face