
They were warned. It was explained to them. Still, they persisted.

In 1975 90% of Icelandic women went on strike to highlight the importance of “women’s work” both professionally and domestically - including not doing chores, laundry, cooking etc.

I ain’t buying it. I did the local Women’s March AND a protest outside our rep’s office and Soros still hasn’t paid me. You aren’t getting me again, George!

Under deVos, the only movies filmed at high schools will be remakes of Saved!, but rewritten to make Mandy Moore’s character the hero.

Weekend box office numbers helped push Hidden Figures past La La Land to become 2016's highest-grossing Oscar

Not too bad. It sounds like most of them carry ice cream with them at all times.

Yeah, Hodgins briefly mentions how the body was found and explains the game to Booth and Bones. Booth starts out thinking the game is stupid but then by the end of the episode he is totally hooked.

Of course, to her phone, it just looked like this.

I happen to find Primo Levi’s work the most powerful of all Holocaust first-person memoirs.

Primo Levi is also a great documentarian, particularly in his book “The Drowned and the Saved”

Metro is actually funded by a consortium of all the major car companies, including Tesla, as a marketing stunt to convince people to buy more cars.

Always Troubles with these people

I have zero shame in admitting that WWW was one of my all time favourite movies as a kid and I can still watch it and recite lines from it.


Nah, he’s sorry people were mad at him, but he isn’t any less of a finance puppet. Hell, he wouldn’t have become a senator two years later without his support being reciprocated from the white collar crooks he defended above:

Probably this guys heartbeat.

Ulgh, Booker is the furthest thing from the real deal.

Analogies are analogies not inherently because they give an equitable comparison of severity, but because the comparison typically shows something in an easier-to-understand way or because they use similar faulty logic. KillerBee wasn’t stating raping a child is the equivalent of suing a company for illegally posting