
As if getting paid regularly by an employer is “better” than having your own business? Each has their own costs and benefits. My boyfriend recently started his own company and he does not have reliable income, but there are many benefits that offset that. Such as when he does get income it’s WAY WAY more than he would

If you are really touched by a culture, but you’re not trying to be something else, then it’ ok. Like when George Harrison got into hinduism. It changed his life forever, his music, his personal style, his beliefs, and even his burial was hindu. He never did it disrespectfully or treated it like a fashion thing. I

I saw the cutest fucking Girl Scout this last year. She would hit up all the wineries downtown with her dad on the weekends. She cleaned up.

Instead of tossing the bouquet, I handed it to my good friend who was getting married a few months after me, and had everyone toast her and her fiancé. She took the ribbon and little jewel pins from my bouquet and had them incorporated into her bouquet, then did the same thing I did, handed her bouquet off to her

jeb is like a 1, at best.

eh it was more like, i just always had my classroom door open if there was a single student in the classroom

Waiting room at the abortion clinic friends are the best.


Also, when I HAD my abortions, I was asked several times if I was sure, whether I was being pressured/coerced etc long before I ended up on the table. They also had all kinds of pamphlets and resources to give out if anyone DID want to speak to someone after or was having spiritual upset about their choice. Any clinic

Like, some people might regret abortions. That is not untrue. Some people might feel sad after them, even without any regret. That is also true. A *lot* of people feel relief, or gratitude, instead. Different people have different feelings about different things — it's a topsy turvy world! Abortion doesn't CAUSE

I’m just impressed that your cousin could place a custom order at the age of 2.

“Organic” in the store is a scam. But I agree with CSA’s. I sure had to learn to like and prepare beets in a hurry. lol Now I love them. We got an assortment of veggies but we got a ton of beets for some reason.

I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but in NYC dishwashers are only for the ballin-est of ballers. It’s not like I LIKE to wash dishes by hand, I just have no other choice.

My mom had one rule about drugs and drinking. If you're going to do it, never ever be afraid to call me if you can't drive or are in some other trouble. She was not giving me permission to do either one and had made it clear she wasn't going to hesitate to make my life a living hell as a result of my shenanigans. It

I too just announced my plan to run for President on Twitter. My platform is subsidizing tampons, ensuring everyone gets a bagel for breakfast, and pushing for mandatory Monday naptime.

or maybe she just grabbed a bag out of the bag box ( everyone has one of those right. the box that holds old grocery bags for future use?) and it was from a long time ago because she’s been dutifully bring her canvas bag to the grocery store so she hasn’t gotten any new ones in a while so her bag supply is running low

I hate to sound like this but..

My husband had to restrain me at a Disney World counter-service restaurant, where we waited in line to order for FIFTEEN MINUTES, and the people in front of me STILL had to lingeringly peruse the menu board which had been plainly visible to them for FIFTEEN MINUTES (did I mention we’d all been standing in front of it

This is always why I loved partying with Southern white girls back in my partying days. Beginning of the night? Flawless dress, pearls and manners. End of the night?