
I’m a high school teacher and there is this bizarre new culture in a lot of charter schools that push presence. Like, “You must arrive at 6 am and cannot leave until 7 pm and e-mails must be responded to until 10 pm.” And it doesn’t matter if you are a beast of a worker and get all of your planning/grading/whatever

My boyfriend is starting a freelance IT business, and the only reason we’re able to make it work it because we scaled down on our going out, and he moved into my apartment (a one-bedroom I was already able to pay rent for).

I was thinking that- just send out “I’m sorry. It was never an intention to hurt anyone...” so on and so forth, and then give a donation to an anti-hate group in Turkey.

I don’t know. Maybe he’s a talker? Maybe if she stopped and said something he would have engaged her in a forty minute conversation about his back moles. Maybe she was in a bad mood. Maybe we should stop demanding that women be nice 100% of the time.

I’ll just move her to the front corner desk next to my desk. She thinks class is long now? Wait till she has to complete her linear equations practice with me staring menacingly into her eyes.

One of my students shaded the hell out of me this morning. I mentioned that we needed to start the quiz earlier because classes were shortened this week and this girl goes “Weird. Your class seemed longer than normal.”

Hate him. HATE HIM. I live in Louisiana and I cannot wait for the sweet, sweet primary and getting to watch as he loses the primary in his own state.

One of my professors did her dissertation on the depiction of female agency in Girls Gone Wild and we had to watch it in class one day and discuss it- it was fabulous and awful and awkward and fascinating. One of my favorite classes in college.

My family was having a reunion in town that weekend, so not only did I have to go and participate in that, my brother and sister-in-law were staying in my house. So my boyfriend couldn’t come over and comfort me, and I had to hang out with them while trying to pretend that my body wasn’t expelling a pregnancy. I did

When I went, I started crying while talking to the nurse doing my intake and she took me into another room and gave me a cup of water.

When I got my abortion, I was relieved but also heartbroken but also thrilled but also nervous but also certain but also but also but also...

I think you can actually do it earlier if you get a medical abortion. I was at six weeks to the day when I took my pill, and she told me I could have done it earlier with a medical abortion, but D&C’s had to wait.

slightly more heavy and uncomfortable?

You know, I was thinking that maybe I would go on this covenant trip because I’ve always wanted to travel to that part of the world and damn if I could do it for $500 I’ll jump through some hoops, but if that’s what I’d have to do...

My grandmother was actually livid. To this day, more than twenty years later, every time someone tells the story she says “I could have made her damn ketchup on a bun at home.”

She doesn’t like breakfast food? BREAKFAST FOOD?!?!?!

I have two from my cousin:

^^^ This! I used to get the weekly veggie box at the local farmer’s market, but I was paying $25 for, essentially, a box of oranges and pecans. One week it was literally nothing but varieties of citrus fruits and three bags of pecans. I stopped, because it ate up a huge chunk of my grocery budget without really giving

And yet, I think Zach Galifinakis does sad sack much better than Jack Black. There’s something sort of, haunting about even his funny roles that makes him very well-suited to that.

They shot this movie at the high school where I work! I just watched that trailer and that is our library and our cafeteria and it’s just really neat!