
From a narrative standpoint it makes perfect sense. Certainly I would agree with you that the real world realities aren’t quite as appealing.

What you are missing and or not addressing is the terms of the act is that you now have to work for the government if you are to do good as a super powered individual which for most in the MCU is a biological reality not a choice based one. Help stop a purse snatcher, you better give your name to the government which

It is completely in character for Cap to oppose state mandated registration of people based on who they are to be categorized. This is a man who fought against facism - what is an act of facism is not to force any individual based on genetics to register to be monitored by the government. Seriously, have you guys ever

The US military is a state organized and recruited group of soldiers. The Avengers is a voluntary group of people who band together to help oppose over the top threats.

Its funny of all of the complaints and criticism I’ve heard about the Comics Civil War, Captain America’s opposition to it has never been brought up as an issue. He has almost universally been regarded as the one character who acted entirely in character throughout the series and the wording presented here where the

“Its not an S, its a convienent Kryptonion symbol for the theme of this narrative.”

How about an original G-d damn idea?

The Muppets promo is especially hilarious when you consider that Ms Piggy is voiced by a 72 year old man.

Yeah, what I don’t particularly buy about it is why would one building’s destruction trigger this kind of response after Avengers 1 & 2 had a ridiculously larger body count.

Annnnnnnnnnd... I’m out. The nice part is they are clearly making the disposable Saturday morning cartoons of the early nineties. Sure there may be a few children that look back fondly, but not many.

I often disagree with you - but on this I agree Phase three better be littered with all the great female Avengers.

Heh... they could call it Minorities reporting ;-)

I was actually thinking a WASP helmed “Journey to the Center of the Earth” archetype film as she searches the microverse for Janet Van Dyne would be pretty G-d damn kick ass. Plus, lets be honest, Paul Rudd makes a better wise ass second than he does a leading man (no offense!).

Exec 1: “Gah! our perennial money maker Bones is slowly dying!”
Exec 2: “I have an idea! You know that Supernatural Horror limited series show that we dragged out into a full season for its second season Sleepy Hollow?”
Exec 1: “Yeah”
Exec 2: “Supernatural Horror is just so difficult to script, you have to focus on long

How uncomfortable did the cast of iZombie look with Ausiello quizing Thomas about Veronica Mars. It had the entire... *cough* you have the entire cast of a show here and you’re asking one dude about his first one *cough*. Rough equivilent of going to dinner with your mate and their new Significant Other and asking

I agree - killing Charlie was just lamely done. I don’t even have a problem with her dying (as it is true that EVERYONE dies on this show) but it was done poorly, it was done callously, and it was done in poor service to the character. Hell, the moderator of the panel was my favorite character on the show and he died

You know what I don’t like? People who can only view movies from the male perspective. I read the entire thing from Widow’s perspective and she was the most heroic character in the movie. But if being open to relationship during a film by necessity makes you subservient to a male character perhaps that’s your life

I am fairly certain we watched separate movies. The one I watched gave us Black Widow as a main protagonist and as the only character resilient enough to not succumb to hopeless whining. It gave us a three dimensional character who was not reliant on an “other” to make her whole, but open to it while showing us a

HOORAY!!! Mr. Norrill is the most adorable little socially inept magician ever.

So... aside from the Legos and build your own computer everything else is screensucking... listen, I’m a gamer and far from one of those TV is destroying our youth soupbox people, but this list... no, just no. You should be working with your kid to help them discover the real world during their summers - real world