
The “solution” is the same as it ever was: Listen to the criticism of marginalized people and try to do better next time.

PERFECT assessment. 10/10

You see by putting in that proviso they get to sweep that interpretation of their article to the side as illegitimate. I don’t make the rules, but that’s how they work.  This allows them to then proceed to engage in the overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation, because at the end of the day that’s much easier than

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

This is the second article in two days you’ve posted about how to feed folks for a house party, while we’re about to start year 3 of COVID.

For my part, I loved the comic and had been looking forward to the adaptation for years.  However, I still haven’t watched this because I just don’t feel like spending my fantasy time on a world ravaged by a massive pandemic.

I just think it’s boring :(

Guess based off of no information:

Yorick was pretty insufferable throughout the show. His sister also wasn’t great either, so I’m guessing the ratings weren’t helped by those portrayals.

I guess the key questions would be: What was it costing per episode, and were there points of friction with the show-runner or cast that would have encouraged FX to wash their hands?

So then maybe don’t take the jokes out of a comedy?

A deep cuts reference to this, my friend.

the “Moscow Mule” is a SHAM! a TRAVESTY. a FARCE. The Dark & Stormy is the original and one true ginger beer cocktail. the failing vodka industry had to figure out how to get rid of their inferior product SOMEHOW, so a billion copper mugs were born to peddle this garbage beverage. almost ANY other liquor pairs better

my fantasy is you going & fucking yourself

The fact that you conflate consensual sex between (among, if that’s your thing) adults with porn says more about you than the site. And how is this “low-brow?” It’s actually useful advice about sex, which is something many of us enjoy without feeling guilty or dirty. Sex-positivity is a good thing!

Sex is a part of life, last time I checked.