
The “solution” is the same as it ever was: Listen to the criticism of marginalized people and try to do better next time.

PERFECT assessment. 10/10

You see by putting in that proviso they get to sweep that interpretation of their article to the side as illegitimate. I don’t make the rules, but that’s how they work.  This allows them to then proceed to engage in the overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation, because at the end of the day that’s much easier than

So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

It’s because they all know when to back off and let someone else have the spotlight for a while.

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

It was hard for me to sit through, but I figured it was purposed corny (as this confirms) so I stuck with it.

This is the second article in two days you’ve posted about how to feed folks for a house party, while we’re about to start year 3 of COVID.

I agree. I couldn’t find a single likeable character, except for 355. She kicks ass. I know that’s how Yorick was written in the comics, but god, no sane person would act like he did. “I know I’m the last man on earth but why should I hide, protect myself or any of my friends at all?” I didn’t expect a second or third

I tried to get into this show but every character being super annoying or making super annoying descisions over and over again eventually becomes a huge turn off. I just got tired of it.

For my part, I loved the comic and had been looking forward to the adaptation for years.  However, I still haven’t watched this because I just don’t feel like spending my fantasy time on a world ravaged by a massive pandemic.

I just think it’s boring :(

Guess based off of no information:

Yorick was pretty insufferable throughout the show. His sister also wasn’t great either, so I’m guessing the ratings weren’t helped by those portrayals.

I guess the key questions would be: What was it costing per episode, and were there points of friction with the show-runner or cast that would have encouraged FX to wash their hands?

I mean, I’m thrilled, so maybe don’t speak for all of us?

Yorick is a douche, but he’s supposed to be. He’s no hero and the the actor chosen for this role is perfect playing a douche.