
Great way to describe it. They moved really far away from the subject material.  If they handled this closer to Supernatural for the first season I think it could have worked (while being female focused which was the intent of the director).  The white house angle became pretty darn close to intolerable.

The story really focused on anyone but Yorick for the most part, and Yorick became intolerable (at least up to episode four which is when I tapped out)

I mean that’s a bummer but... honestly its not a great show.  The subject material isn’t exactly super happy, but Yorick has always a kind of levity in a desperate situation.  This version of the story turned him into the worst person possible while trying to humanize the other villains. There was no protagonist aside

Even as a joke... lame.

A university setting is one thing, but for those working in financial institutions, large institutions, and high-level corporate fields this really would not work. If you work in a traditionally conservative place this just is not a feasible way of conducting yourself.

It is still a significant risk in many places of offending people, and while I agree it shouldn’t in many work place environments asking your boss what gender they identify with is a really quick way to ostracize yourself. If that isn’t the world you live in I am happy for you but it is still the corporate world as a

For many many reasons, but primarily two. Work life is about accomplishing the goal of work. Non-gender binary populations are a fraction of a fraction of the population and for the most part in work environments, it is not my business unless the co-worker desires to share their identity to ask it. Secondly, the

I’m happy using gender neutral but no way will I ever start a conversation by asking what someone’s preferred pro-noun is.

I assumed that was so he could release a novella covering that later.

I remember about a month before the 2016 election, a good college friend of mine insisted that her support of Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with her being the first viable female candidate for president. She said this as she, her 5 year old daughter, and 2 year old daughter were dressed in homemade suffragette

It doesn’t exactly hurt that they had a 30 Million Dollar advertising budget and the nostalgia of the entire 90's Disney babies.

Fowl actually certainly can be overcooked sous vide, the meat will be rubbery if you cook it too much. Beef’s pretty safe as is pork, but fowl not so much.

BBQ my friend, finish it on a piping hot bbq and the skin will crisp quick enough and it will also impart spectacular flavor. Don’t cook it for more than 3 - 5 minutes though.

There were three recommendations and one is arguably a romance. Make your own list.

There’s really no comparing the fight mechanics: GW2 is just a far more evolved. That being said there is some great story in SWTOR, but from a “playability” sense, there just really isn’t a comparison

Yeah, I think you are missing the point made though which was - for those players the only thing left to do is to make the game miserable for anyone they can in the DZ and that is a bit of a problem.

So we shouldn't root for him because he's not an underdog? How about just because he seems likable and is clearly passionate about this project (and has a sense of humor about his past failings)?

It is kind of important. They have a shared political identity and legacy. Considering Hilary opposed Gay Marriage up until 2010 and was part of a political team that spearheaded Don't Ask Don't Tell - its important to understand where she came from.

Do some research, they all are.

Do some research, they all are.