
I like Giz and Apple. I'm pretty sure both sides knew what they were stepping into when they got into the iPhone 4 situation.

Ugh... but seriously you could do better than a Kia.

Yes... because not allowing Giz in seriously limited Giz covering everything and in essence becoming an advertiser for the new products. Lets review the article titles on Giz regarding these announcements: "The New MBP Retina Display Blows the Doors off Its Competition", "iOS 6 Hands On: All the Cool New

you don't need to be connected to the internet, just your provider.

Sorry you lost me at prefer Bay's _______. Really you didn't have to say transformers. Hair, taste in clothes, ability to sustain a narrative, really you could put anything in there and I would have lost you. Bay is America's Uwe Ball... except he won't challenge you to a fight if you call him on it because you may

Oh 1313 won't be released this year... prepare for at least a two year dev cycle from here.

Part of me thinks "Oh, so apparently Dante is auditioning for biggest douche on the Jersey Shore". The other part of me thinks crap... I'm getting old because this is aimed pretty clearly at a generation I am no longer a part of... I'll miss you 20's.

How does one do a Beauty and the Beast when the beast is essentially an underwear model? "You can't possibly love me, I'm hiddeous!" "I can see through the meaningless scar because of your chiseled jawline feathered hair and awesome body" Blargh...

oh, I think we agree I was just responding to thought that the company lost money on the game. I think it will prove to be profitable, but clearly not WOW level success. Honestly, I can't imagine a game coming along that does earn WOW money. World of Warcraft was the right game at the right time.

Seems too arty? As opposed to what, blockbuster...y? The movie has a clear style that it holds to throughout the piece. Personally I think it worked well with the material.

I posted this above - Rhode Island's loans and incentives were for the establishment of a business in their state, not specific to Copernicus. There were a lot of bad decisions made on all sides.

The loans weren't for the product, the loans were for the establishment of a business. Schilling brought 300 employees into Rhode Island which is what the state was essentially paying for (or loaning for). If you read the current back and forth between the governor and Schilling it seems clear the issue is that

SWTOR is still a success commercially. They have made back the initial capital put into development, only time will tell if it will survive, but if you are simply talking dollars and cents I'm fairly certain it is that.

If you read the actors comments it sounds like they all would prefer Harmon to Chase and that among the actors Dan is pretty much beloved. "Notoriously hard to work with" has been the comments of the folks that Harmon works for, not the comments of the people that work for him.

I've been using these for 20 years. If you do Charcoal its the way to go - lighter fluid leaves such an aftertaste. Seriously, two pieces of junk mail and you are good to go!

I'm less concerned with those moments because they became known issues that were focused on quickly. I'm more concerned about storylines missing the voice acting which I ran across a number of times. That is something that can't happen upon release.

Joe Brown, be wary of becoming the "senator" on the hill that doesn't understand these "internet things" because he's not a "computer nerd" except replace senator with anti-hipster internet things with grassroots fundraising and computer nerd with passionate philanthropist.

I'm with you Elephant. I know countless people that kickstarter helps. It could simply be my reading, but it sounds like the author just stinks at funding good projects. I've funded about 50 and have NEVER regretted a one.

*cough* dual boot Ubuntu *cough*

I would have to imagine we are imagining the best of all worlds, if we imagine the worst none of this would be appealing. For the record, the best hot chocolate I have ever had trumped the best souffle so I'm down with the end result.