
Bill of Rights? Are you talking about the second amendment that grants the right to bear arms in the context of an organized militia? absolutely we should respect that. So, which militia do you belong to?

We will see Sterling, I'm not sure I agree but we shall see.

I can't speak for anyone but myself - but my basic answer as to why I don't like guns being a common object is that I believe everyone will go through at least five moments in their life when they aren't behaving rationally and access to something like a gun is the last thing that would be good for someone in that

You are absolutely right, I did phrase that in such a way that made it seem like I was making a popularity argument. What I meant to say is there is a tangible reason that 85% of sound, video, and image professionals use apple hardware and its not just because its shiny. The OS is still more stable than similarly

Awesome avatar name sir!

Very fair point AltF, my dual booted rig runs SWTOR valiantly and hopefully will do the same once GW2 comes down the pike. I have no issue with folks that prefer windows machines, but at the same point the throwaway line at the end of the article clearly was meant to poke the apple folks, and it succeeded. "So if you

Or, you could read it and not stop until there is a period because that constitution does not read the way you think it does unless you are part of an organized militia and to quote Aaron Sorkin "Two guys in the back of a Dodge Durango are not an organized militia."

Was it ran? Seriously??

Considering there are still people playing EQ out there Wow will likely have a shelf life that is nearly infinite, its just past the days where it is the only seriously commercially viable title out there. Innovate or ride into the sunset guys! Personally I hope you figure out how to breathe more life into the game.

European Spanish is the lispy one, American Spanish is spoken by the people who laugh at the European Spanish.

Or you could dual boot both operating systems and continue using the computer you love. Or you could listen to a biased article writer and throw away the machine that over 85% of advanced video, audio, and photo editors use. I'll go with option A, option B seems mildly OS-ist and slightly drunk.

I'm with Seymour. I think in general DA2 was a pretty good game with some MAJOR flaws. That being said, I'm still going to give it a 7.5 out of 10. Honestly, I'd only give DA1 an 8.5 - that game had plenty of issues too.

I swear Scott Brown makes it very hard, even for someone as liberal as I am, not to vote for him.

Which is why I an engaged to a marvelous woman who tells me when she's unhappy and when she needs space.

Yes, but during those times (often) your desire for us to pick up by telepathy is so great that you try to hide any physical indication that there are any issues therefore wanting your man (or woman) to discover your discomfort or unhappiness, by looking for an absence of signs that you are uncomfortable or unhappy

I have no problem calling PhD's doctors.... they spend six years earning it and then a decade building one of the best story telling video game companies that has ever been. You however have spend no time earning the title of Trolly McHatesalot which I will call you moving forward.

This is not word of God as its been explained on most other forums, it was someone from the marketing team stating it was a potential future possibility and that they were working on the figuring out phase. I'm not arguing against it, but this sounds very vaporesque until its up on GW2's page.

I will happily eat crow if I'm wrong - while those things can be done, I don't see it happening.

Until the word of God comes down and I read it on the guild wars 2 website I am approaching this with a glacier of salt. I just don't see the social aspect of MMORPG's working on consoles. I see FPS players wondering why there's a box in the upper left hand corner with people talking about stuff.

How has Spike TV not picked this up? If only they could work bikinis into it.