@Snake56: I was always wondering who you were!
@Snake56: I was always wondering who you were!
Am I the only one that thinks of Futurama's "Scary Door" when the Twilight Zone theme plays nowadays?
Love the Japanesse X-man intro: was Cable even on that show? Also, ups to Beast with his new found earth shattering ability.
@Theoutlet: Ditto...
Great summary Charlie!
@Wookielifeday: I'll follow you on WW, her rogue gallery looks like a bad run of GLOW (Gorgeous Women of Wrestling) event. But the flash has a very, very compelling gallery, and interestingly, the only one that traditionally acts as a unit, which makes them more fascinating in their own right. I think Flash's lack of…
What I find interesting is that you chose two driven by storylines, a FPS and a sports game. No one seems to be acknowledging CoD and few are even commenting on NBA 2k11. I'd say in all likelyhood its between ME2 and RDR - both fantastic games if you are like me and those are your kind of games. I would have liked…
@coolguyface: Um... No. I don't own X360, but if you had a fantastic platformer I wouldn't begrudge its choice. Mass Effect surely deserved its designation when it was released. When the best TV show of the year is on HBO or Showtime does that invalidate its choice for you as well?
I hate to say it, but I think we're just copying the British Drama template on a surface level and we're failing at understanding why. Many BBC shows have short seasons - 13 to 15. These shows (the dramas and sci-fi dramas) often have an overarching arch, but one that is built up to so that the final two or three…
I feel good, I followed everything but the last lines.
iPhone 7?
@jlzr: Seriously... don't even kid. He's the Patron Saint of the British Isle, I'm wigged out enough by Torchwood going American.
@Lex Luthor II: Funny thing is I'm the opposite. I tend to prefer all the original British series. I like accents and the eccentricity that's usually associated with their television.
@battra92: But wouldn't you rather have them together review all defense and social programs and find a way to make cuts across the board to put that money back in your pocket? Teamwork is substantially better than unilateral or consistent confrontation. The Clinton era successes were due in equal part to stringent…
@battra92: But wouldn't you rather have them together review all defense and social programs and find a way to make cust across the board? Teamwork is substantially better than unilateral or consistent confrontation. The Clinton era successes were due in equal part to stringent goal setting which greatly came from…
@214w: I realize this is an article long past forgotten, but it just occured to me. Pick up the X-Factor MadroX one shot that Peter David did in the mid-aughts. Its fantastic X-noir. I recognize you may have no interest in returning, but there are gems to sift through.
@jdale: I guess I just don't see the benefit being that significant (and I'm 6'6" and not slight). Thanks for the clarification though. It sounded like your argument was "why wouldn't this tent have its poles on the inside like other tents" while almost all standard tents have them outside. I think the main reason…
@battra92: I wasn't suggesting that it was the cause of this tragedy, I was pointing out that it is hurting any level of progress when both sides refuse to work together. This horrible moment deserves to be seen as its own isolated moment of American loss and not have bogus third party narratives brought into play. …
@SiN13: Really? Kotaku is allowed to cover what it chooses to, and I would think pointing out another incident where media has chosen to blame video games instead of holding the individual personally accountable would be noteworthy given this website's topics and demographic. I mean, we can't all be raising money and…
@battra92: Its sad we have to make it someone else's fault. This is a disturbed human who did something horrific. At best he should be in an institute for the rest of his days, at worst a maximum security prison.