
@jdale: Most tents have their poles on the outside. The Rain Fly usually goes over the poles for water resistance, but the tent itself almost always has outer poles. Also it would be a pain in the rear to have to crawl into a non pitched tent to erect (heh) it.

@whiteflea: Flea, buckle down and try the second season. You will love it. If you don't I will run naked around my block at home. You'll have to take my word for it naturally, but I'm trustworthy I promise.

I think this would have worked better as an episode long drug induced fantasy as an epiosde of "The Batman". Otherwise its beyond the scope of reasonable suspension of disbelief. Just my 2c.

@DigitalHero: Seattle is the mean version of us.

@mnoble3.1415: I was a composition major and play violin, viola, guitar, and mandolin semi-professionally. The iPad absolutely can be an instrument. Might not be your kind of instrument but that would be because of snobbery not authentic definition. Enjoy riding your high horse alone.

@ItsAlwaysSunnyInGoldenState: By California standards you just put in a good weeks worth right there with that four sentence response. Good job!

@214w: From a quality perspective I have to recommend SWKOR. I've been hitting the DCU beta hard for the past two weeks and found that - while I know I'm not playing a finished product, what I'm playing is two weeks away from release and it still feels like a beta. They have worked through a number of bugs, but I've

@214w: As an old school X-book lover, I freely admit that the books have been far less than solid for a while, although I've enjoyed the New Avengers line for at least three or four years now.

@mordicai: Yeah, but if you look closer on Shadowland, a lot of them are shadowland one shots - Power Man, Spidey, and Heroes for Hire. They are periphery stories (and for the most part very weak).

@mordicai: Nah, its really just a crossover. I mean, not to belittle it but aside from the typical characters involved in every crossover *cough* Wolvie *cough* this was really just the NYC folk. And crossovers happen every three months or so. You have your space-folk crossovers which have been consistently good

@214w: Take my opinion for what its worth - everything that led up to and produced Spider-Man's inane "One More Day" storyline; however, the result was three years of fantastic storytelling and re-imagining of the spidey-verse. I realize there's a lot of Parker haters out there and if that's your thing, that's cool.

@mordicai: I agree completely. The only slack I'm willing to cut is everything from Civil War through Siege was plotted out. It was essentially a five year storyline, the Civil War led to the Skrull Invasion, Skrull Invasion led to the Norman Osborn (Dark Reign) years, that led to Seige.

@Demonbird: Actually, most of the other MMO's that charged $15 a month have been fairly short lived. I'm sure that is as much a quality thing as a quantity charged thing, but what would be far more good faithy would be starting low and as the quality became more assured raising the price. I bet it would garner more

@Gambit09: Sadly no. But then again I'd imagine the PC version will cater to the roleplay types (given that type talking is easier) while the PS3 version will be played more as an action MMO.

@Sidious Strange: I too have been enjoying the beta, but it still seems a little buggy to me. For one, I've been playing on the PS3 and I have NEVER had a moment when my tv (HD but early aught edition and 40") has seemed obsolete to me. While most of the main screen info has been readable speaking with vendors has

@Mark 2000: Okay, there's room on the bus for both of you. Mark, I personally have purchased over 12 copies of the DVD set - I either give them to friends or they borrow them never to return them. I am a brown coat through and through.

Most folks don't seem to be discussing the flexibility aspect. My current issue with my job is that it is wonderfully flexible now. Enough so that I can be a part time traveling musician in the off time. Every year for the past five I've been considered a top performer but have found that with the raises is most of

@grimjack28: I'm with you Grim, last thing we need is Furry-bait in wow.

@Jakooboo, Last of the Time Lords: Jak, ignore the folks jumping on you unnecessarily. Obviously this is important news for the gay community. For everyone else, he was not saying its only important for that community, he was saying for this community this is extremely important. Its also extremely important for

@lazerus72: Why do you say that? Calls for an actual woman? I suppose I can't argue for movies as I don't catch all that many, but the bevy of fantastic sci-fi being done on television in the past few years and what its done for those that get involved... I mean if you'd like me to make a list I will, but the point