
@lightninglouie: say what? aside from producing fodder for the now non-existant USA "Up all Night" series or Elvira's late night rally of horrible movies what possible use has Uwe Boll? Did you see Dungeon Siege? It had shots with cameramen in it!!!! So not only is he a horrible caster, director, and screenwriter, but

@antonchigurh: I think you will like what Kirkman has created by way of the old shambling zombies. The bad guy really is a hoard, and the action sequences don't often revolve around running from one or two zombies, but rather two or three hundred zombies. Its very effective in the book, for lack of a better parallel

@antonchigurh: Yeah, sorry I'm a dork. I should have clarified that.

@o0RaidR0o: Keep in mind its all about the mob mentality, these zombies aren't hunting, they are hobbling. Regardless of whether they get an animal its all about numbers.

@antonchigurh: Kirkman has addressed this without spelling it out, its part of his genius.

@Morgan King: I was actually astonished at how good the writing was in the comic in that I didn't realize how much I had begun to resent Lori until she no longer was a significant aspect of the comic plot.

@SkaHimself: Afterall, we're talking about a horror theme that's been added out of a sense of the 'sploitation period of the 70's why not a crazy over the top cowboys and indians sidegame?

@Slothboy: Actually, in a wonderfully non-PC way it could be a great multiplayer online option....

@Gringorilla: I always assumed it was based on him.

@Srynerson: Yeah, but if you are truly rebooting the series than keeping the same actor is a little odd, no?

Now playing

This is a very very talented singer/songwriter who loves astrophysics. This is a reading of one of his letters about a conversation he had with Vlad the Astrophysicist he sent to his 2 month old niece. Its very relevant to this conversation.

@Ian Logsdon: As, many would argue, most frat boys haven't as well.

As far as essential downloadable games "Fat Princess" is just amazing, not in a one guy thinks so, but in it brings a fun and easy PvP experience for minimal investment.

Here's the issue with doing this - it will cannibalize all of their other revenue streams. Parents who would give their left arm not to have to sit in a movie theater with their kids won't go to the theater anymore, they'll screen it at home. That's a net loss for the theaters (most of which are already struggling).

@aec007: I on the other hand already have my big green egg bbq fired up and ready for you. Its familiar shape should only encourage you into jumping in. The Salt, Pepper, and Beer are standing by.

@TheOvermatt: I'll buy that. I'm glad you enjoyed it, the new one they are releasing on the PSNetwork looks great as well. I'm certainly not turned away from his work as a whole, I was just let down by this one that I bought, but really thought I could have rented.

@TheOvermatt: Overmatt & Dunn, I'm sorry to disagree, but when you say its aimed at a niche, I understand what you are saying but I disagree. Its aimed at a niche the way Barbie's pony training camp is aimed at a niche, or video games based on movie franchises is aimed at a niche. Its like they took Tim's name and

@ServoCannotHoverOverGrates: Um... right. Guys, the focus is on survival not death. I'm not saying its bad music, but for a major television show with drama to it... not so much. Keep in on Metalocolypse.

@cosmopanda: So is your poop coming out shaped like a lilac (at least I hope). That argument doesn't give much credence to it being good though. I was as excited as anyone about the originality of it - in actuality the originality ran out in the first ten minutes and all that was left was repetition without variety.

@DunnCarnage: No, no it wasn't. It had a great concept and really only the most mediocre of delivery. Every quest was repetitious schlock and when the game ended it was kind of like, "really? its over? okay."