
@sereal: I have to disagree. Facebook on a mobile device is usually a quick glance or read something and be done. The nature of these apps are keep following, don't stop, pay attention to the game at all times. Yes, there's some folks that go overboard with Facebook, but it isn't something where they are constantly

@blash: Blash, I agree everyone should develop knife skills and learn how to do these tasks manually, but mostly for the same reason I think most audio engineers should learn to use reel to reel recorders. Its to understand the differences.

@fdisk: I agree wholeheartedly. Luckily I'm an alt-aholic, I'm not the type that gets addicted to end game content, I just get addicted to the origin stories (I know, I know, super lame). But its all that saved me in college. I had a four month love affair with Everquest. When Dark Age of Camelot came out I

@Pessimippopotamus: Her accent is pretty damn impeccable. Unless you are looking out for a hint that she's not American you won't really pick it out.

@Angry Robot: I went with my girlfriend, right as the movie started she left for the bathroom. She missed the entire first five minutes, came back and found me misting in my seat. I made her leave with me and we waited for a later showing.

@colpittsdragon: I adore Bitty from Pushing Daisies, but Mandy Moore actually has a pretty good voice and I don't really think she's that much of a name. Zach Levy on the other hand, I love his voice and if Chuck goes the way of the dodo this year, I hope to hear him in cartoons and video games for years to come.

@nekoama: Um... Cinderella? Not the bumbling hero dude, but the centrally cast heroin? Its pretty longstanding among the Disney-folk.

@LiC: True, but Disney (not Pixar mind you) has been through a litany of every ethnicity you can in the past ten years. A mid evil setting with white folk might not be the super PC'ness of all children's programing now a days, but its historically closer to the truth, I'll survive.

As someone who purposefully held back on these two games I am very much looking forward to buying this combined pack.

Man... I hate Zuckerberg, but I love Aaron Sorkin... I'll go, and who knows, maybe Martin Sheen will make a surprise appearance as Zuckerberg's wise and fatherly student advisor.

@Ditchdigger: The other thing to keep in mind is games back then still had an arcade mentality. The more you died the more quarters you had to push. While Nintendo's games didn't "need" to follow this model, it was the overarching model for gaming at the time. So even though Metroid technically falls into its own

@collex: This a Catherine the Great kind of thing? or just as aesthetic obsession?

@SpammerOvTheGods: The other side of it is he has a documented love of comic books. Like obsessive love. Which is great, and if cast correctly he'd be fantastic (can you think of a better Ant-Man/Giant-Man/Yellowjacket/Wasp?). I buy the guy as temperamental, moody, eccentric, and funny. But only when he's bouncing

@dry-roasted-peanuts: absolutely agree, why can't they get Rodriguez to direct a 70's grindhouse adaption (by which I mean the movie type not the movie grindhouse). I would line up a week early for that! Of course Nick Cage should really be replaced, he is cartoony, which is fine in National Treasures' Disney films

@speroscythe: Ghost Rider was better Daredevil, on par with Electra, slightly worse than Lee's Hulk, slightly more worse than both FF flicks, and worlds worse than the X-film franchise (I'm even including Wolverine in here, but not X3, that movie made Daredevil look like Citizen Kane) and Iron Man sits down looking

Really? I mean I remember when I heard about the apps and thought, "Hrm, that's neat" and then before even trying to download it, "Waitaminute, seriously? When have a ever 'lost' my car?"

@astrogea: While I can't argue with the instances of ass kickery, Buffy was on the air for 9 seasons - Willow was a strong character for 9 seasons, for 2 of those seasons she was a bad ass. Inara was a strong character through and through and she wasn't even particularly violent. Fred is like Angel's Willow, years

All right, tossing aside the apple haters, folks still seem pretty skeptical. As an artist I am really excited about this... facebook and myspace are not all that welcoming as a networking tool for musicians, this looks to be. I dig that.

@astrogea: Firefly: Inara Serra, Kaylee Frye Buffy: Willow (for the first five seasons) Angel: Winifred, Cordelia. Dollhouse: Adelle, Sierra, Dr. Claire Saunders (until they changed her to a baddy). That's just to name a couple.