@HackBerry: You are wonderfully twisted my friend.
@HackBerry: You are wonderfully twisted my friend.
@astrogea: Not really in the Whedonverse. He's good at strong = strong.
@edosan: Not sure I follow that, his history of killing off characters favors the male persuasion.
@rxe7en: Yeah, try (and i know the name is a mouthful) Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams. The sound is like Tom Petty on harder drugs. I think they were once described as Hillbilly Pink Floyd, which I also think is accurate.
@rxe7en: Start looking into the indie, folk, accoustic, and blues genres. You'll like it for the variety and the quality - I promise.
@Helis: Well hurry up slowpoke!
@oopsmyeye: Okay, now we're on the same page :-). Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it! Also, consumerist is a GREAT place to go.
@oopsmyeye: How does that make any sense? The issue here is a company behaving badly and you choose to blame the consumer for consuming from a separate company? Clearly you dislike apple fanboys... awesome. I'm happy you're so original. Change the company names and look at the situation. The company is out and out…
@Ch4rL13: me three!
@MariJade: In my day we didn't need fancy calculatin' machines we just memorized multiplication tables up to 300! Also televisions have too much sex and violence! All new things are BAD!!!!!
@Valkyrie607 I absolutely understand what you are saying, but I do believe race plays a VERY important part in characterization and to say there's no difference between being black, white, male or female is disingenuous. It does change the character.
See, normally I abhor the use of pre-qualing a movie. But Indiana Jones is about as close to an American James bond as we've got. Its time for Harrison to pass on the whip and not to Silver Spoon LaBeouf. Why not go back and reinterpret, it would be far more interesting than watching Geriatric Jones and his whiny…
@esbaird: star
So here's the thing, and blast away. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Donald Glover. I think he is remarkably funny, especially for such a young actor. I believe he has one hell of a future in front of him.
@Gigglebox: I appreciate your opinion - however I find it mired heavily in your philosophy without any real examples of why what you believe is true. We're talking about one of the top three tech companies in the world here. This isn't a fad.
@8thManOnTheMoon: Normally, I'd agree. I think Apple has proved that it is a company where one man leads with a vision and a million follow with designs.
@Czar Donald Strubler: I just meant I didn't support these jerks, but if you want to read it as that... that's cool too.
@xd.Balls: yes. But people do. Many people, constantly. As a matter of fact, the success of many "cultish" hits derives often from early piracy. Independent music labels are actually becoming aware of this and purposefully releasing albums on popular bit-torrent sites, in some cases giving away the singles for…
Man... I'm so glad I have never been remotely interested in this film.
@ortizlgnd4: cause no studio would pay for it? By the by, people without super powers running around - for the most part that was Watchman, which I personally truly enjoyed (I know I'm one of the few).