@ortizlgnd4: another example would be the Marvel Ultimate universe. Drastically changes some of the characters and is an alternate take, but is still fantastic work with the source material.
@ortizlgnd4: another example would be the Marvel Ultimate universe. Drastically changes some of the characters and is an alternate take, but is still fantastic work with the source material.
@joe.glass: I don't think I've ever done it to save time, I do it to integrate the flavors a bit more.
@dangermou5e: Fairly common in Italian style cooking.
@virgilstar: It actually doesn't disolve, use a hearty noodle like penne or Fafali. Generally, I've only cooked the noodles like this for 10 mins plus or minus. It gives a great al dente texture and a heck of a taste with it. Highly recommend adding a little cream or cheese at the end if you need that "saucy" taste.
This was a wonderful read. I'm sure plenty of us can relate to the peripheral associations with a nasty or unexpected breakup. You capture its short and long term effects brilliantly.
@Firesphere: The five star system clearly has its flaws and there are better methods. Look at lifehacker - thing are so much more simple where one star means a hell of a lot and no stars means no one likes you (wistfully looking at his profile).
Well, it turns out I will be there (I know you were all holding your breath). Looking forward to seeing you all and meeting some of the folks that help me procrastinate so well!
I should be making it there towards the end of the evening. Damn musiciany responsibilities.
sorry repost
@Firesphere: I have no where near that many axes, but for the five I do own I have hanging in various rooms in the house. Its like wall art, but sounds better.
@karaiya: See I really see the game as being innovative because its an ensemble adventure. Its like West Wing with magic, monsters, and SO much emo.
@Blore07: My understanding is you carry over your main character. They haven't specified what other characters from your previous journey will be around. My guess is you will have a few, but not all. Alistair most likely - although there's a reasonable chance it won't be as a playable character, your dog (of…
@BahamutNeo: Just wait until you see Goofy's SS execution finishing move!
@Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.: I'm with you Justice, Disney introduced us to many of our hard lessons in film as children - Bambi, Lion King, even the Little Mermaid introduced raw moments of death, sacrifice, and redemption. The "Good" Disney product will always both entertain and challenge its viewers,…
@Vizion28: There are still tons of comedians who are just brilliant - Eddie Izzard is probably the first that comes to mind. There is a common aspect of shock to modern comedy, but I have to feel like that may have something to do with putting the audience in a uniform state. As is if you basically go way overboard…
I just used this tip for superbowl party. Worked *very* well, added a little asian sauce at the end. Great, very crisp and tasty. No complaints.
@lolgreg: I'm hoping they would try to go with Nathan Fillion. Naughty Dog has admitted he was an inspiration on the character design.