wah wah. It’s a goddamn entertainment show. Go hug a tree.
wah wah. It’s a goddamn entertainment show. Go hug a tree.
Musk didn’t build a colony. He landed on a freaking barge after shitload of attempts, he didn’t revolutionize car travel either. He made it different, but didn’t revolutionize shit. Howard Hughes however revolutionized air travel. Go read some history books.
Boo hoo. This guy didn’t achieve even the lowest level of Howard Hughes.
That is how its done. And his wife let him buy a P1? Damn. My wife doesn’t even let me buy a FoodSaver system.
So either the driver is lying or there is a software glitch in some Teslas that shows false reading of Autopilot condition during the crash. I guess we are only a few more crashes away from finding out.
Cars do have “black boxes”.
So they fire a guy who punched someone over a sandwich, and replaced him with a dude being investigated for sexual assault. In the end they fire both of them and about to can a gigantic cash cow of a show. I don’t even think they cast Evans or tried him out before signing his contract. More like just hired him because…
Fuck yes, but the dude’s salary is probably way too high.
At least styling and interior wise, this is so much cooler than the Model S.
Who the hell street races in a red Chevy pick-up truck?
A lot of Tesla owners seem to bitch about stock manipulation when people complain about quality of their OWN teslas. How will these turds spin these news?
That is kinda ugly.
What are those car seats? I want one.
Pfff... This guy knows what’s up.
The problem is comparing regular car owners to Larry. The guy runs a business and his priority is to make sure that the cars he details are clean to perfection. If I was spending money on car detail, I would make sure that the detailer knows what he/she is doing and that they are taking this shit seriously. And Larry…
Yes, that. I was looking at it and couldn’t figure out what it reminded me of.