
I see McLaren is really milking it.

Not surprised that a Camry rolled an SUV.

If you have never driven on a road with traffic light timers, you are missing out. After driving with them for about a month, they are amazing. A lot of countries in Asia and Europe use timers now.

To a point where everyone will drive/walk/run/cycle in a bubble. Where everyone gets a trophy for participating. And where everyone treats cars as enemy. All because of those goddamn millennials and hipsters.

All this mess because of a goddamn cold sammich.

Go online, they have direct, uninterrupted streams. No ads, all medal ceremonies, all anthems, everything...including bone breaking.

Fucking Gawker and their staff. NBC airs swimming with an hour delay. If you want live feed, go online.

Probably another rock.

Culture my ass. You either live in 21st century or you get out.

Can anyone explain why some of them are wearing two caps?

That’s one way to cut in line.

When you take “pre-paid” service fee into consideration, Tesla actually charges more than most German automakers.

You know that in the end, they will blame cars and just put up a lower speed limit.

“This wreck just happened around 8 at the dollar store in New Caney that car is at the cage to store how she ended up like that I have no idea but the policemen of their the amateurs are there and SWAT team watch it all”

That’s one way to do some shopping.

I wish. Mine is GM crap. One where you have to say exact command in exact accent, otherwise it will send an international text message to God knows who instead of calling my wife.

But who can operate bluetooth in their car? I gave up after 20 min, only because bluetooth in mine is such crap, it’s easier to send messenger pigeons than set up a bluetooth connection.

I’m all for stronger licensing and testing. The problem however is that people think it’s their right to be able to get a driver’s license. A simple proposal of stricter testing would make all the hipsters bitch and moan.

So never?

For a second there, I thought it was Maradona.