Can’t wait to read the comments about this “police brutality towards women” on Jezebel and Gawker.
Can’t wait to read the comments about this “police brutality towards women” on Jezebel and Gawker.
Brave was shit. Sorry. Compared to that same year’s movies like “Wreck It Ralph”, Brave was utter shit.
I want a Singer 911 so damn much.... And I don't even like Porsche.
Display purposes. A lot of dealers do it.
So can you actually film something like that? I understand it’s in public view and everything, but it’s also considered a military property, right? Doesn’t this fall into same category as illegal to film a bridge or a tunnel? I’d shit my pants before I film something like that.
I thought they transported nukes in unmarked trailers? This is far from unmarked.
Any car that doesn’t make you turn around when you walk away from it.
Sir, your Uber ride is outside.
So they are planning to remake all movies with women-only cast? How about Scarface? This is getting retarded. Make movies will all female cast, but make original movies. Enough with remakes.
Sorry, your “costume” doesn’t count when you involve professional make up artists, prostetics, and other shit that involves hundreds of hours to make.
I see NFL is still butthurt over their loss in the court.
So, so far there are 3 crashed?
Was this cross posted on Gawker or Jez by any chance?
Majority of time because they are on their phones and don’t pay attention to the space in front of them. At least that’s what I noticed in my years of driving. And they don’t give two shits about cars behind them or if anyone is in a rush or something.
She kids get free medical checks for life because they are born in hospitals? No. Why the hell should the airline give them a free travel for life?
People here do not understand why she is getting deported. She lied to the authorities, including most likely a US embassy. She stated one reason for travel, even though it is now clear what her intention was. This is called immigration fraud and it is punishable by deportation. This is just law doing what it was…
Wait for the next airplane crash.
Like I said before, both are utter morons and both deserve to have their licenses revoked. And states really should increase the limit. We all know current speed limits are retarded.
It’s a gigantic, secret facility. I’m pretty sure there are security cameras around.
It will take Tesla years to become mainstream. And that’s after they introduce Model 3.