
I had to learn in a Lada. And the guy would make me drive from the city into the middle of nowhere, leave me alone in the car while he went for lunch. It was less about learning to drive and more of me being a 15-year old personal uber. At least I did my drivers ed in a car with the a clutch that requires both legs

And you should go hug a tree and learn the rules of the road. Yes, the rules of the road apply to pedestrians too.

Jaywalkers deserve to be run over. Especially those walking on red or too lazy to walk 5 feet to a crosswalk. They absolutely deserve to be run over.

Both are utter morons.

There is. It’s called Joe Biden.

Yes, 100 times that. Some die-hard democrats are basically hypocrites. If Republicans do something stupid like that, they will crucify them even if he/she apologizes for it. Democrat does it? It’s all good and dandy if he/she apologizes. And I’m not even a Republic, so you can’t throw that political shit at me.

Ok. I understand when people fail because they fail the written test or hit a curb once. But when you drive through a store, you should not be allowed to have a license for at least another 10 years.

This shit bucket, or any other Russian car from that era. No AC, heavy smell of gasoline, wires sticking out everywhere waiting to electrocute you, seatbelts that you just throw over your shoulder and tie it somewhere under the seat and most importantly those cloth seats that just love to sweat you. Stuck in traffic

You definitely need to claybar this thing first.

Same here. No freaking way I’m taking my soon-to-be-born baby to any large public event. Fuck that. People need to grow up and stop being so selfish. Your baby doesn’t give a shit about the game and is probably very uncomfortable with all the noise around. Grow the fuck up people, don’t take your child to every event

So how does it compare to Distronic Plus?

Or maybe she is getting paid less because she is less talented? Just a thought.

Seems like a targetted attack. Not that the suspect wanted to shoot the woman, more likely he/she made a mistake and was looking for another Corvette.

Medvedev was never president. He is a close friend of Putin. He was a seat filler. Everyone knows it, hell even Russians know it. Putin was always in control. All major meetings were done with Putin in the center of the table.

Russia is crazy, but not completely insane to shoot down a commercial airline. Most likely, there was a miscommunication between the command and the military (if indeed Russia shot it down). Someone thought it was a military airplane, that someone ordered a fire in panic and shit went from there.

The guy built his own damn car that actually doesnt look half bad. Looks better than any replicas you see around. Take it back to the garage, spend a good amount of time on improving the design and it will look great.

“telling the driver to “slow down, slow down” just before the wreck.“

20-year old.

Same exact cars that Not-Top-Gear is using. So manufacturers involved?

As its been already said before, secure your shit. If you have no idea how to secure a mattress on the roof, don’t fucking put it on the roof. No, your hand holding it won’t stop a mattress from flying off. And while we are at it and since winter is coming, remove your snow from the ENTIRE car before driving, as