
I watched a lot of Say Yes to the Dress during wedding prep and felt terrible for all the girls having near-anxiety attacks from all the pressure. I also felt indignant for them and wish I could have told them not to worry and just do what feels good. I never understood the concept of forcing everyone to wear the same

OMG. Do I need to DTMFA? But we're getting married in 17 days! ;)

Omg! The only appropriate gasp in that situation is a "why didn't I think of that?!" gasp.

One day I was doing that and my fiance walked in and asked "Ooh! we have ice cream?" To which I replied "Noooo... I'm eating frosting with a spoon. Don't judge me." And he walked over and took the next spoonful of frosting and stuck it in his mouth, saying "Why would I judge that?? Yum!" Soulmates! :)

They never care! I was having a burger at a bar this weekend and could sense a guy about to hit on me, so I loudly announced to the bartender that I was starving and exhausted from buying gifts for all my bridesmaids for my wedding that's in three weeks. Pick-up guy and his wingman immediately offered to be the

It's true! My aunt went to college with Goopy and has all these weird stories about being super rude to Goop for no apparent reason... she just didn't like her face or accent or something.

"I know I'm gullible because a lot of people tell me that, and I have no reason not to believe them!" — New Girl

Your description of an indicative refrigerator sounds like my fridge at home. I'm 26 and in full possession of my faculties... I think.

That's amazing! When my fiance moved away to college, his parents offered to stock his new refrigerator. On his shopping list was flaming yon and nobody understood what he wanted until he explained that flaming yon was his favorite cut of steak.

a tiny, growling pointy toothed thing that you can hear scratching at your bedroom door in the dark.

I work on a college campus and am floored every summer by the respectfulness of the dozens of construction workers who manage to go through their days without ruining anyone else's. (presumably due to campus directives) It is possible! It is nice!

That's so sad! I love Spam musubi, but I'm on the east coast now and can't get it. I would have appreciated her cooking so much!

That's interesting! My best friend was a very worried baby too. Everyone thought it was cute until she reached adulthood, when it was diagnosed as anxiety and depression and required medication.

I like the way you think, but prefer my PMS tortillas saltier. As in, just salt. Maybe sour cream and salt.

And attractive. And funny. So nice and so attractive and so funny. I never would have come up with this matching, but now that it's a possibility, I will never let it go.

Yeah! I have no idea why this has made me so happy. But I suddenly have vicarious butterflies in my tummy over this. <3

Shipping it so hard.

Yes! I spent Xmas with ManofSteelWool's parents and after my Kindle battery died, I asked to borrow a book. THEY. DIDN'T. HAVE. ANY. They had literally no books except The Bible. I had no idea until that day that a household could or would want to exist without books. In comparison, my bedroom in my parents' house had

Amen! I hate it when people say "You're not fat, you're gorgeous!" Those descriptors are not contradictory! It is possible to be fat and gorgeous.