
Yes. This is what all the advice columns tell you to do. Set and enforce your boundaries.

*dusts off her Rah Rah Mental Health soapbox, steps on it, clears her throat*

They absolutely should have just edited in the clip afterwards. It seems like they were setting this up to have a conversation about why he doesn't like listening to himself, which is also pretty rude of them.

So how many people are old enough to remember the torture of recording your answering machine greeting, and then playing it back to see if was usable, and thinking “That’s not how I sound, is it? Oh god, how am I just going all over the world talking to people with this stupid voice with these terrible mannerisms and

They also had the option to just not play it. Those interviews are taped for later broadcast. They aren’t live.

Your boss sounds amazing.

My parents were idiots when it came to retirement planning and saving for the future. Instead they believed that “God will provide”. I guess I’m God since I’m the one taking care of them and paying all their bills. 

Has there ever been an instance where something offensive, ignorant, and bigoted was put in the entire context and everyone was cool immediately thereafter?

My New Year’s resolution was to lose 30 lbs and add $5,000 to my savings. With 99 days left I’m only 36 lbs and about $5,700 away from hitting my goal, so I think it’s doable. 

To defend Pitt a bit, in that moment it probably didn’t occur to him that there were other women who had gone through abuse similar to Paltrow from that POS.  

Good for him. The problem with society leaving women to this protector approach is it still centers the men. Women are their wives, girlfriends, sisters, nieces. The violation is not happening to real people, it’s happening to their wards. And if you are not worthy enough to be claimed as some man’s relative, you are

if you put just enough in there and stir while the spaghettios are really hot from the microwave, it melts and gets gooey. if you do it wrong, it turns into a rock of nastiness surrounded by a sad “tomato” sea

Beginning to talk before the other person has finished speaking.

It’s like a grammar exercise

This sucks. I love Tom Holland’s Spiderman.

My trick is always to fill up my wishlist beforehand, and not look at the deals, just my list and see if some are discounted. Worked fine the last time, got a couple items I really needed, with really good discounts :)

Same! I have my great grandmother’s setting from c. 1918 which I inherited after my grandmother passed. We did have to get a new stone bc the original was given to my shitty uncle to use at some point and is lost to the sands of time/a pawn shop in Connecticut, so we just repurposed a diamond from a necklace my mom

This isn’t the first case of a YouTube channel person being a monster to their kids, right? There seems to be a trend building.


But now I think that it's the little things you have to look for, because in the day-in/day-out of marriage, the little things add up. Little annoyances like a nail biting habit or leaving filled water glasses everywhere are really easy to overlook during a relationship when the bigger things—the way your partner