
Good choices! 12 Monkeys almost made it, but Soylent Green didn’t really occur to me.

“All User Input is Error”

It is not much force to break the AP, Ive done it many times by accident just trying to let it know that I was still on the wheel.

No, but it is hard for people to pay attention (apparently).

Somebody liked this movie?

“Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about, quite frankly.”

It’s a relic from yore-times to make your legs look longer.

First the Wakefield/autism paper, and now this.  Scientists pay attention when a paper gets retracted, and understand what it means, but the general public doesn’t.  The genie never goes back into the bottle.

The damage has been done. This single study will be used by anti-vax for the next 100 years as proof.  All while ignoring the hundreds of other studies claiming the opposite.  

Too late. It’s already being held up as irrefutable proof that the vaccines are ineffective at best and fatal at worst by RWNJ outlets.

we ended up with the I-pace”

“They’d been asleep long enough that the house had already gotten to 78 degrees,” English said. “So they woke up sweating.” He unenrolled from the program as soon as he found out and expressed concern about how the remote temperature adjustment could affect his family’s health.

“She’s setting a dangerous precedent,” Chamberlain says pointing out all the safety gear that Thompson should be wearing but isn’t in most of her videos.

I kind of just like wearing my mask now. I got a cool looking one and people compliment me on it often. You know how rare it is for a guy to get ANY compliments? Feels good man. More importantly though, I literally had zero illnesses the past year. I usually will get a couple minor colds each year, but I got nothing

I hope they toss that woman in the klink and throw away the key. The full 20 years the statute allows for. Make an absolute example of her.

One of the big areas which has caused some of this recombination is the rise (and subsequent fall) of the Japanese megaeconomy of the 80s, and the telecom boom of the 90s.

Many of these production companies, film studios, and the like were bought, sold, merged, and divested a multitude of times in the 70s and 80s. Some

So, being respectful, considerate, and clean is considered a lifehack now?

Right? Getting accurate parallax is actually a huge deal and is why the distance to even nearby stars gets altered and changed all the time. There was plans for a probe to solve this called “TAU”- Thousand AU- that was conceived at the same time as New Horizons, but putting a probe 20 times the distance would have

Most people (I think) would not be able to even identify a known star because of this. Even very identifiable stars like Polaris or Betelgeuse would be easily “lost” if they didn’t appear in their respective constellations anymore.

I know it’s mentioned in the introduction, but I think it is the importing part that’s the much more complicated part of switching and would need the tutorial.