
You’ve met the republicans, right? Their entire policy is to burn everything to the ground and to take everyone with them. They really don’t care about you, or me, or anyone other than themselves. If something can make life objectively worse for everyone while making a republican richer, that’s what’ll happen.

1. Non-greyscale cars have better re-sale value than greyscale. So when people say they’re buying white “for better re-sale”, they don’t know what they’re talking about.

Carry-on only, buy toiletries at the other end, then throw away what I don’t use. Simple. Pack a toothbrush and razor. Done.

It’ll certainly come as a relief for a very nervous (rightfully so) U.S. auto industry that doesn’t want to deal with cheap and good Chinese electric vehicles.”

Why is there a metal pedal cover on a metal pedal? Why not just make the pedal look like the cover. This seems like high level Tesla dumbassery.

Given that they spray-painted the track, it’s probably flammable Chineseum that gives you some horrendous health problem, and that’s what’s burning in the grass. I wouldn’t be surprised if the grass is all dead and they just spray painted that too to make it look green.

Fuck it - let Darwinism work. See if anyone cares that these dumbfucks drive off a bridge into a river.

If this had a wraparound screen, it would be way better, and the truck would make sense. As it’s VR, all that truck model is pure fluff as the player can’t see any of it. A seat with a pair of pedals and steering wheel is all you need. This seems poorly thought out.

1st gear : this is just kicking the can down the road. This should have gone the other way and made the deadline shorter. The climate needs relief from burning pureed dinosaurs. This isn’t the answer :(

Every vehicle manufactured after 1990 (?) has had an OBD port. EVs are no different. People do seem to think that EVs are some mystical thing that is somehow different to every other car. But they all have OBD ports, they all have 12v batteries to run the basic electrics (lights, instruments, wipers etc), they all

But missing many many many ponies after 300K.

Or - you know - the real world.

There’s 0.000000% chance this was suicide. Boeing be cleaning house, Putin stylee. 

Back in the Gorden Bethune years, Continenal Airlines, he had veto authority over the maintenance system so if he didn’t think it was necessary (read:”it would cost money”) then he’d veto the repairs. That was in the early 2000's. I’ve never flown with them since then. I don’t know if that policy carried through to

So she’s being charged because shoddy software allowed her to get free fuel? Feels like the gas station should be suing the pump software people, not the person who found the security flaw.

Why do you continue to be surprised when Tesla and Elon lie? That’s their default position nowadays. Their vehicles won’t do the range claimed. They won’t drive themselves. And Elon is - and always has been - full of shit.

This is like the Rivian Tank Turn. Fun demo but that shaking feature will never appear in a production car.

and the SUV’s front hood suddenly flying up at high speeds.”

He should be headed out of the sport completely. He’s a brand, not a driver.

Orrrrr.... spend 5 seconds on google and realise how dumb and false your argument is.