
I’m from vsNEW - happy to answer this. We’ve tested against manufacturer tools and some limited tests where we measure battery capacity by draining the battery and charging it slowly. We think we are within 3% of true capacity with our 2 minute test (compared to hours at a charger), and expect to improve our models ove

...promptly shows a photo of a 737. Yep, J’s editorial control alive and well.

It wasn’t just a great kaiju film, it wasn’t just a great Japanese film, it was a great film.  Period.

he could be 5 raccoons in a trenchcoat

$65k in your pocket or a giant, gas guzzling, depreciating asset with limited utility. Gee, what a tough choice.

I can’t wait for the VGP to be a raging failure so it and races like it (I’m looking at you Miami) can go away. These “boutique” races are nothing more than overpriced pseudo-races that’s more about generating profit than having a quality race...a novelty designed to separate a casual fan and their money.

IMO, it’s weird that national anthems exist in the first place, tbh. 

If you book right after me you get the best price

These are the automakers who just got suckered by the most bad faith company out there, and will surely be getting super screwed in a couple of years.

What happens to ICEs at extremely high temps?

ICE car took 70 years to finally get to a point were they work fine in extreme temperatures.

The irony is that a buc-ees makes an even better argument as an EV charging station

The only justification for 30 second unskippable ads at this point is to punish those who don’t pay for premium. This isn’t advertising, its retaliation. 


Stop trying to make VR happen it’s not going to happen. It’s the kind of thing beloved by the most insufferable nerds on earth and no one else. Most people will never ever want to put those stupid goggles on.

“I am running for president of the United States to lead our great American comeback,” DeSantis said. “There is no substitute for victory... we must look forward, not backwards.”

If that where true, why does he want to turn everything back to the dark ages?

You can basically choose between two a-holes, who want to

Why is anyone still getting any “news” from Twitter thinking it’s legit?

Norway isn’t America and we have fairly significant cultural hurdles to clear before we take climate change this seriously.”

“You can’t have a free society if people aren’t allowed to say what they think is true.”

Elon “Knee Jerk Reaction until my lawyers get involved” Muck.

He can fuck right off the planet.