
At the start of the pandemic I was lucky enough to have a small supply of the really good 3M N95 masks meant for sanding and chemicals. However, all the masks had a front valve that allowed my unfiltered breath out, so I covered the N95 mask with a cloth mask to protect other people from me.

This is just more evidence of the many many undiagnosed or untreated people with mental health conditions in this country.

I can’t wait until “Influencers” is no longer a thing.

I think the only thing I watch on Discovery is How It’s Made, but I goddamn love that show so I’ve been low-key considering subscribing just for that. (edit: or maybe it’s on the Science Channel? I think that’s part of Discovery’s network though.)

Not to mention when Discovery, the History Channel, and the Travel Channel stopped having shows about actual FACTS and started creating crap like “Real Life Mermaid Documentary”. They lost all of my respect and trust.

(^So fucking sick of seeing this^)

Please stop adding autoplay videos to every article.

Yeah seriously. This story is about as useful as a football bat.

And your towel, can’t forget your towel

Quite obviously a Vogon survey marker for the extension of the hyperspace expressway. Demolition should begin shortly.

Can’t help but feel like it looks more like Max Headroom than advanced AI:

More Than 1,000 CDC Officials Ask: Why Bench the CDC During a Pandemic?

This man had no idea what TikTok was until the teens using it ruined his Tulsa rally. This is petty revenge, plain and simple. It has nothing to do with national security. 

Well, the industry has procedures for storage and low utilization aircraft, like, forever. LUMP is the Low Utilization Maintenance Program with enhanced maintenance to make sure corrosion and other problems are regularly resolved. Storage programs exist also so when one comes out of storage there are maintenance items


Thank You so much for you post!

Are you sure that’s a dog and not a cat?

Cloudflare has way more issues than Google. I go with and (Google’s DNS addresses).

We should start telling them masks mess with the facial recognition software, and then glance up at the sky.