
The Model S is absolutely NOT a luxury car. It was, is, and will always be an over-priced P.O.S. Spoken as someone who had the misfortune to own one for 6 months, 4.5 months of which it spent being fixed before I lemon-law’d it. Oh and Fuck Tesla overall for their attitude to the whole thing which was basically “you

You know the base price for a Model X is close to $90k, right?

Clarification for the English: they’re not pushing a giant toilet (bog) around.

It’s still stupid.

Fuck right off with that shit.

*cough* No Man’s Sky *cough*

the sheer amount of content published by the company in order to feed the YouTube algorithm”

This could be the ‘kick’ the country needs because once people have experienced actual high speed rail (not that Acela bullshit), they’ll want more. Don’t sit in traffic. Don’t sit in an aircraft. No security. No cramming people into seats that are too small. Get up and walk around whenever you want..... for any

Move to literally any town or City in the Netherlands - the majority of them - while not car-free, are designed far more for pedestrians and cyclists than for cars. Never owned a car until I moved to the US, where I couldn’t even go to the shops without a car much less to work.

Fantastic. Now lets so those other two go around a corner at 180mph....

Maybe - and hear me out here - they shouldn’t have laid off all the flight crews during the pandemic. Do what KLM did - retainers that meant the crews could live comfortably on a reduced salary through the downturn, with guaranteed jobs on the upswing.

Oppenheimer is as far from a “patriotic WW2 drama” as it is possible to get. Nobody is coming out of that movie thinking “yay America”.

So he’s basically going to use a porno domain name.

Troll. You know full well there hasn’t been continuous EV development for 130 years. Sure we had serviceable EVs in the 1920s but they fell by the wayside not because they were inferior but because of cultural and societal pressure, and ma-hoo-sive lobbying by the oil industry - to steer people into dino-burners

Here in Utah, many dealers are starting to become quite flexible. Only a few holdouts have the “$10k above MSRP” bullshit still going on and they’re not moving anything off the lot any more. Most dealers I visited before purchasing a couple of weeks ago are at or well below MSRP now, with various incentives and other

Who could have thought that removing the $7500 fed tax credit would cause the EV market to stall?

The positioning of the people around that mule is not by accident. It’s to deliberately hide a lot of the stuff they’ve either changed, or not been able to figure out.

The most common complaint I hear about Tenet is that the audio mix sucks. I’m not sure if the theaters screwed it up, or people’s home setup is somehow weird, but the dialogue has always been pretty clean when I’ve seen the movie, both in the original theater release, and on my home setup.

The airline methodology here makes no sense. That’s like Amtrak charging a train passenger $100 to go from Washington to Boston, but $250 to go from Washington to NYC. You’d buy that $100 ticket and get the fuck off at NYC....

Until they give us the ability for our feed to feature ONLY the actual people we follow, instead of pages and pages of posts from people we don’t know or care about, it’s pretty much dead in the water. I honestly don’t give two fucks about what some self-important “influencer” is doing. I care about seeing what my