
Huge difference, they correct their error and note it. I teach college, and one thing I do is give points for finding my errors, and I correct them.

I’m glad something big like the Times has picked up this story. NO ONE has been amplifying her cry for help from the harrassment she receives. All the black media blogs don’t dare cover the story in fear of making Nicki angry and when a little news coverage does come out, Nicki is mysteriously involved in a scandal to

Bold of you to assume she’s not completely aware of what she’s doing. Political violence has always been her plan.

I mean... We are talking about Dr. Dre (*cough, cough* Dee Barnes. *cough,cough* Miche’le...) here. I am surprised that there are people, who are surprised that his daughter is homeless and he refuses to financially help her out.

“... the Ben Carson of people whose eyes open all the way...”

Scorsese is absolutely right about the online flattening of everything to “content” and saying that the experience of having algorithms suggest you endless crap to watch - whether that’s the latest Netflix show or a cat video - sucks as a way to consume media, which seems fair to me. And most of the essay is really

Most folx with a stable EQ accept their losses, learn from them, and move on to an improved life. Not these losers. They celebrate their seditious loss with pride. And that’s what separates them from the rest of us who read books. 

Jezebel is consistently bad at politics. Everything is surface level, there is no depth to any of it, and the analysis is often completely wrong.  They’re about clicks just like everyone else, so this sort of vapid, off-the-cuff stuff reigns supreme.

1) Sweatpants are pants.

There are parts of their conversation that feel too perfectly written—Ali has the perfect response to everything Rue says to him

Amen. I am a veteran that is VERY uncomfortable with the whole jingoistic worship of the troops and vets nowadays. That’s some fascistic shit, and not at all what I signed up for.

I totally agree with the Whole Foods shoplifter. Stealing from the richest man in the world is a-okay by me given that Amazon is a company has stolen way more than a bottle of kombucha here and there.

And once again Republicans act shocked! SHOCKED! at the notion that people aren’t just going to quietly starve to death so that four hundred people can have every last scrap of food and shelter on earth.

Reading this summary of the research paper makes this even more confusing:

It’s not a disability per se, but only because it’s not very well understood. People with it do have common “disabilities” we all share regardless of how our increased perception manifests and our brains literally function different than the brains of people without it. Like we all can see in the dark or have “better

This response pushed my buttons, so I rewrote it.

Debbie snatched Jennifer’s wig and told her to get back to work?!

People are making a lot of Pete dumping her by text, but she had already called a break on their relationship (apparently a hiatus). She apparently tried to take it back and he said no. From my perspective if your significant other calls a break they have already provisionally dumped you and your responsibilities to

Brown was far better than Chastain, but I get what you’re saying.

Maybe it’s already been stated before, but the Guests like Sterling K Brown and Jessica Chastain come on, host, and try to excel at the gig - go toe to toe with the cast. The James Franco’s and Charles Barkley’s come on and just try to survive the experience.