
Jürgen summed up this episode perfectly saying Germans don’t make tiered yeast cakes as “you wouldn’t make a tiered apple crumble”.

These protests actually might be somewhat effective not at getting Chapelle’s comedy special removed but at getting Netflix to say “No, not worth it” to the next transphobic comedy special by somebody else.

Because they’re blaming them for the leak of internal metrics to the press. They better have evidence that the employee was the one responsible for the leak because firing a Black, pregnant employee is a really, really bad look.

Celebrities used to answer questions mailed to them by eventually mailing responses back. Then they went to a photo shoot and an editor put it all together in a glossy magazine.

The wild thing is that another cis dude felt as though his perspective mattered more than, say, any trans people. Like, my dude, you wouldn’t accept a white guy telling you whether something was racist when a lot of Black folks were saying it was, why on Earth can’t you figure that same thing out when it’s about

Look, you can’t say deliberately offensive things for shock humor, and simultaneously be offended that others are offended by you...

Why on earth do you admire Damon Wayans? He has went out of his way to show you that he is utterly horrible as a human being. He defended Bill Cosby, trashed his victims, his horrible treatment years ago of Doris Roberts on the emmy’s. He’s a dirt bag

If nothing else, I’m grateful for the following quote:

What I don’t get is, were they even jokes? The “Team TERF” shit just sounds opinion he has. Not a joke was told, no humorous observations were made. You have people losing their minds, “the SJWs are murdering comedy,” but this is just Old Man Yells at Cloud shit.

Attention. He lost his touch living in Ohio for a decade and then he went on tour but the problem is he’s fucking Dave Chappelle. Audiences are just pumped he’s there so they’ll laugh at anything. I used to listen to a lot of stand ups talk about how long its take craft a good set and how much you have to work at it

You strike me as someone who would be puzzled about Native Americans not liking the name redskins. I mean, their sun-bronzed skin can sometimes have a reddish hue, amirite? What’s not true about that?

OOOF, that hits hard but true.

Yeah, those darn powerful trans folks who have entire states making laws about where they can take a piss, sure are running the world nowadays.

“I’m a bad motherfucker” is so cringey. Like, people don’t like you because you punch down, and that makes you a bad boy? Okay, Dave.

We (and they) elevated an uneducated, unenlightened, weed-addled know-nothing who sometimes framed his Shower Thoughts in a funny, because he had some success with those ‘musings’ he thinks any dumb-ass thought that pops into his head is worth sharing.

While I generally agree with the NBJC’s statement, I don’t support their remedy of censoring this comedy special. I think a better ask to Netflix would be for them to put serious money towards lifting voices from the communities they, to use Chappelle’s word, recklessly damaged.

He’s just not that funny anymore. Being a troll isn’t funny. He’s playing to the lowest common denominator, which is basically Joe Rogan fans. Dave is in the same boat as Kanye with me. I still love and appreciate their early work, but they’re both artistically dead to me.

They found one transgender comedian who thought Chappell’s gay/trans jokes were cool.

So I’m going to make a show, and George Clooney is going to play my Harvey Weinstein stand-in, only in our world he only ever asked for clothed massages (which somehow in no way diminishes and insults everybody who suffered at his hands) and then in season 2 he gets to bang, say, Marg Helgenberger, and complain about