
Finally, someone sane on this thread. Thank you.

What I like about Amazon customers is that they do everything they can to get the cheapest prices, they ignore their own local businesses, want free delivery, and they know already that the company loses money on their retail business and mistreats their employees and delivery drivers, but then they’re shocked —

Then shouldn’t people who DO have that luxury do what they can to stand in solidarity with/for their sisters who cannot? I don’t know about you, but I feel as though I have a responsibility to stand up for/help people who don’t have the same access to certain privileges that I do. I don’t believe in leaving all of

And only four characters:

to think trans women have an “outsized” voice within feminism is so gorram laughable I don’t even know how to respond, so here is a gif

Vance is a crooked motherfucker. We probably wouldn’t have the current moron in the White House if Vance hadn’t taken a bribe from the Trump Organization to drop felony fraud charges against Ivanka and Junior.

She’s spoken out about sexual harassment before, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity for her to speak out again at a time when the mainstream media has caught up. And if Jon Hamm were interviewed, I’d fully expect him to be asked about Matt Weiner.

Seriously, this got anything other than “hell no you can’t you’re an adult” but stacking dishes is a war crime?

Stop trying to make this guy you made up a thing, A.V. Club.

Never underestimate how cheap and tacky some people are. Here I thought all these questions could be answered with common sense, but no, they are gross and tacky.

RuPaul is just trying to protect his brand. He’s taken a very queer, diverse art style that spans many genders, sexes, and gender identities and created a processed, mass-produced, particular style of “McDrag” for his target audience of cishet women who just want to see men act as flamboyantly faggy as possible.

This seems kind of pointless. Most people aren’t going to have guns in their profile pictures. I don’t see any harm in the people who do. Especially if you’re going to let cops and soldiers still brandish their guns in pictures, what’s the point?

This whole column should be called “How to guilt people into screwing themselves and paying me more.” None of this advice is geared towards actually improving a dining experience. It is just a how-to guide for waitstaff to get larger tips.

Still disagree that splitting entrees is tacky (if it is, it’s a very puny amount tacky), but totally agree that ordering off the kids menu can be considered tacky

Oh no, no, no. Tiffany Haddish is too damn good for Tyler Perry! Hasn’t anyone told her that?!!!!!

I can’t put my finger on it, so please don’t take it as harsh criticism... But this whole thing, not just your article, is leaving a really bad taste in my mouth about the equating of mentally ill with “evil”, as if this is even a conversation we should be entertaining outside of philosophical discussion.

Honestly, I have such issues with this. Clearly, the system doesn’t work well to protect women, especially when the perpetrators are rich and famous. However, even if they are guilty, does that mean they can never work again? (Whether any individual chooses to not watch their movies, read their books, etc., is totally

At some point, we can’t keep treating awards shows like the court of public opinion.


Peele has referred to himself as black and I assume he’d probably be the authority on that.