
Abby Lee Miller has big dreams for her life post-prions

I agree: wishing to be gentle as there are a great many doctors who are committed to their patient’s health. My experience, however, parallels that of many women: being disbelieved, or treated like a hypochondriac/hysteric for that which turned out to be an actual serious physical condition. Nor was an apology

My husband works for a small business (like 3 ppl at the time) and his boss would tell him how valuable he was. Explaining because of his value he could take vacation whenever and come in late/early as long as shit got done. My poor nervous husband never really took advantage but once he left early because we had an

I’m a dude but found this detail particularly horrifying: “his wife’s tumor had essentially be ground up by the morcellator, spreading malignant cells throughout her abdomen.”

Everything about this story is awful, and this bit— “While an ordinary uterus can usually be slipped out whole through the vagina, a fibroid-studded one often cannot. With the help of morcellators, though, doctors can remove the entire organ through holes the size of quarters”— actually made me feel light-headed.

Question: is it possible millennial women are also more sensitive to the accusations about how lazy and entitled we supposedly are? Or is it just me? I’m an old millennial, so I think I’m not entirely the group intended in these millennial studies (I’m 35. Most stuff about millenials seems to be all about how terrible

Hmmm. It appears promoting a culture of isolationism and fear is not good for the economy.

thanks for this well-researched piece and hooray for lady rangers! i’m about to embark on some long-term solo camping (work-related), and so many people have asked me about “what I’m going to do about menstruation”. uh, i’m going to do it? and take normal precautions similar to the way i’d treat food or toiletries in

This entire paragraph was beautiful in its truth and brutality. Well done, Rich.

Hot Taek: The original Dirty Dancing was garbage too.

Maybe they should have gotten an actual dancer to play Baby.

Oh damn, yes she does

Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.

Personally, I can’t stand when someone releases a really awful bordering on unlistenable pop song baiting me to make a statement or a veiled Twitter post to give their new album press then acts like I’m the asshole for not taking the bait.

When was Kevin Bacon’s Last Fuckable Day?

I also read in one of Naturi’s interview where she mentioned how she was treated differently because of her skin color. Her bn the darkest of the 3LW. I am so proud of her. As for the lady that married a deadbeat, I always find her fake. Something abt her don’t sit right with me.

I’m pretty sure Gawker wrote about her supposedly fudged age at the time as well, so...

Take note Republicans: This is how the free market works.