
Exactly! I keep wondering why so much commentarianism is being expended on this non-topic. All the women are the same age because they are perfect beards.

Not to mention that they literally had her last line be something like “My job was just to get you this far.” Whaaaat??? Way to spell it out, assholes.

Breaking News! Old Rich Dude Still Dating Hot Young Models. Also, Water Still Wet.

Because some of us find it fairly disgusting that a grown ass adult would date what amounts to the unformed, uninformed, naive, and nubile. Having what amounts to a completely one-sided power dynamic relationship.

I care because I think about all the bad sex those poor girls must be having. There’s simply no way a 40 year old guy who only dates women under 25 is any good in bed.

I’m not saying smart people can’t like Bernie. I’m saying his team has refined his message down to appeal to a specific type of voter, to the point where it’s irritating. I don’t think Bernie is incapable of specific policy positions, I think his team has made a conscious decision that policy specifics are actually

But there’s no denying that had Bernie been Bernadette you’d have to get tied to a stake to feel the Bern.

She was for subway tokens before she was against them.

I feel you. Like how carrot juice is just…wrong. Pre-chewed carrots, bah. Or drinking cold things out of mugs. Also wrong.

They’re NOT comics. They’re adult-situalized contemporary visualisations placed in an urban setting where jocularity ensues. And when I’m not doing that I do coke.

50 shades of FAIL. Stop trying to HACK everything hipsterpreneurs!

Coffee is *fucking fine*, leave it alone. We also don’t need an anal thermometer metering app to predict our morning poops.

You know what, ass munch? It’s a memory with my grandfather who has been dead for 7 years now. I’m in my early 40s and he was a Texan. Him teaching how to smoke a cigar was a departure for him. It felt like we were bonding and breaking rules. Now I know y’all millennials think your shit don’t stink, but when you get

Yeah, but a guy who looks like this on national teevee needs some positive reinforcement now and then.

great, now his gigantic head will get even bigger.

My grandfather taught me how to smoke them. You really aren’t supposed to inhale.

a sex nap

Benicio Del Toro always looks like he just woke up from a nap

“I dnt play them games”

I’m more shocked she could get a hat that fit her ears so well.