
I don’t know how their particular marriage was, but the whole alleged woman beating/child beating makes me think no.

Anyone else wonder how long their marriage would have lasted if he had lived?

Seriously. I usually have to poop more when I have too much coffee, not beg Mark Zuckerberg for money.

It’s how you know he isn’t much of a DJ


Me too! After reading the reply comments, I’ve decided that I’m the weird one, though. Other people apparently get cold in spots. With me, though, either all of me is cold or all of me is warm, and inconsistent layering seems terrible.

Hell, Million Moms or whatever it is lost their fool minds when JCPenneys hired her as a spokesperson a couple years back - maybe 2012 or so? They called for boycotts, it was bananas.

“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“

Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal

I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks

Can you pause and think for a minute though how weird it would be to have Steven Tyler as your grandfather? I mean, especially if your other grandparent is a relatively normal person. How does a one year old even wrap their mind around the idea that those two different people hold the same position in their lives?

Wtf is a grandpup though

You really have to respect that Steven Tyler just wanders around like that. I mean, he's a walking choking hazard, but he's committed to his brand.

Can we talk about Melissa’s coat? I DO NOT GET why someone would buy, much less wear, a short sleeved coat.

Well, at least you weren’t a chubby 12 year old Mexican with thick, coarse, curly hair that thought she could do Demi ala Ghost. Right.....why didn’t my mother stop me? She must secretly hate me.

If my (nonexistent) boyfriend got me a cream to make my ass and my boobs bigger for Valentines Day, I would seriously reconsider the relationship. Nothing says romance like, “Your ass and tits could use a little work, babe.” Is this why I’m single? If so, I’ll keep it that way.

Great suggestion, Kylie! You guys, wouldn’t it be great to receive some PureLeef butt and boobie enhancement cream as a gift this Valentine’s Day? That would be not weird at all and would surely lead to a harmonious evening.

Hmm, I’d say the thing about Sheldon is that he’s clearly autistic.

What bugs me about TBBT is that it has always, consistently, made the laziest possible jokes about every random nerdy/science/geeky thing they talk about. Which is fine in some situations.... making jokes about how you’re always trying to trade Sheep for Wood in Catan probably works just fine for the huge chunk of

You are not wrong, but hating on network sitcoms for simplistic plots and stereotypical characters is shooting fish in a barrel.