
I absolutely LOVE that she didn’t apologize and gave zero fucks about his opinion. I hope that tweet of hers gave him the vapors.

Ms. Sarandon, as always, looks fabulous. If she wore that to my funeral it would make me reconsider this whole “afterlife” business, if only briefly. Piers Morgan is apparently channeling Mrs. Grundy these days, I hope he doesn’t get carpal tunnel from all that pearl-clutching.

An untrained scat detection dog.

Came here to defend her honor...

Didn’t have the sound on while watching this clip, but this movie looks like it might be pretty good with a fart reel.

Thank you. If the box office was a determining factor, The Fast and the Furious franchise should have swept a few years. Puh-lease.

All jokes aside, there is a line of legal reasoning that excludes employers from responsibility for when their employees do horseshit like this, because their shenanigans aren’t within the scope of their employment. No one seems to ask the next question, which is, “Okay, but if that’s true, doesn’t that mean that no

Also? Children of Men?

I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant

Helen! No!

And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.

I thought it was because he is the human version of Gollum.

Caity Weaver already figured out which movie Reese was talking about

whatever you think of Kevin Smith he comes off as a really great, genuinely loving dad.

Analog dick pics! OMG

My wife once got an actual photograph of some guy’s boner slid under the apartment door. She and her roommate figured it was the creepy morning doorman of their building. She kept it because it was so comically large. Years later, I was trying to find a pen and I stumbled across it and she told me the story. This was

That only works until they start demanding more shit pics

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.