
And the Kinjaverse is like Geocities neighborhoods. You’re welcome.

Oh god I just realized that Gawker is a glorified webring.

Thank you! Will try!

You don’t need antibiotics, you need probiotics. A cup of yogurt spooned into your vag should work well, or just squeeze a GoGurt up in there. Good as new. Smells like strawberries.

Those are pretty obviously just mothballs wrapped in cheesecloth. Sounds at least as safe as douching with Lysol.

“I’m such a quirky, cool, and unique individual that I need a quirky, cool, and unique pet. Otherwise, how will anyone know how quirky, cool, and unique I am? You think I’m gonna buy a dog, like some schmoe? As if.”

Possible? Probable is more like it.

Jeeeeeeesus. Agreed! And perhaps a smattering of perspective would also be helpful for her, I’m guessing? Yikes.

“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals

Either Lea Michelle has been replaced by a life-sized molded rubber action figure in a wig, or she needs to back WAY THE FUCK OFF on the makeup.

I have a theory that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t actually have sex with the huge number of women he brings back to his room, he just really likes board games.

Yes, your opinion is much more important because you are a mother. Please go on.

“voluntarily placed herself in a position of danger and exposure to such injuries and damages.”

Those reports of sexual battery and assaulting his girlfriend are not new and were quietly settled, but I’ve been side-eyeing Puck for several years now. Everyone was calling Naya Rivera “crazy” when she egged and trashed his car. While she was labeled as a bitter ex and psycho stalker, no one ever thought it had

Borat doesn’t require forgiveness. Bruno, on the other hand . . .

That’s all?

The cops still came to the house to check on Isabella and found her freaking out. “She was hysterical crying, she was panicking,”

“Down in the basement, there’s somethin’ goin’ on / Apt Pupil! There’s a kid and a nazi down there!”

Do you think addiction is a disease, a physiological burden that's incredibly hard to shake? I do; science does. If your answer is yes, how can you reconcile that stance with such a scalding appraisal of her character?