
Agree, it’s the wage-slavery equivalent of crossing a picket line or proudly being anti-union for your own personal benefit in the workplace.

What is crazy to me is that can give a thousand ‘mitigating’ reasons for what he did but would clearly go to his grave too embarrassed to admit that mainly, he did what he did for attention.

Sorry to be gross but there’s no way that did not lead to a bathroom situation. That or you have guts of steel.

I was just saying the other day that I reckon roughly 40% of people with children are up to the task. Curious to know what you think of this (arbitrary) figure.

These guys are talented as hell but this whole family just makes me feel tired.

Something everyone seems to be forgetting - it’s totally possible to choose a black female running mate AND appoint a black woman for Supreme Court pick.

“And then, quite loudly (but not to frighten anyone) the word WOLF.”

After this whole Bon Vivant debacle, I feel like someone needs to point out she’s not using persnickety right, either.

Sort of. I think they asked him if he had any comment. He could've said no.

Or, you know, waited a beat and asked himself the question, “Who exactly is asking for Terry Crews’ 2 cents on this?”

I was just thinking about that article in the shower this morning while I scrubbed my legs and decided the problem is that people don’t have a system to their soaping.

I think she and Lakeith look absolutely fucking stunning.

Delusional is right.

What an absolute top-drawer person she is.

I know, I’m like, I have way worse and more health issues/injuries than that and I’m working a full-time serving job as can’t afford otherwise.

Maybe the second two but definitely no to cutting her hair off.


Um, this is Australia.

She is my absolute fucking favourite musician.

That’s not organic! Organic kombucha is the horrifying tank of cloudy yellow stuff that my cousin keeps on his kitchen windowsill. With what looks like living mold floating in the top (kinda hairy looking?), cheesecloth on top and unpleasantly tepid in temperature.