
The Guardian had a terrific piece today on how this might be illegal but what is also a HUGE total fucking rort (and legal) is ‘legacy’ admissions, purely designed to keep wealthy white folks on top.

the doppelgängers say they “are America,”

Have you seen ‘Glass?’ Genuinely one of the worst movies I’ve sat through in years.

Jon Richardson is reasonably well-known but I have no idea who that Paralympian lady was.

I miss Mary a LOT but not Sue and definitely not Mel.

Can I just clarify here, are you suggesting this plan came from higher up and he’s just the idiot scapegoat?

IAgree, let’s not throw the multitude reasons prison sentences are ineffectual (especially for non-violent crimes) or for some, abolitionist principles under the bus because we want to punish someone for making fools of us.

Meh, I think people are being silly. It’s breast milk, not each other’s jism.

I’ve been a victim of domestic violence, police violence and three sexual assaults including a gang rape. I have experienced not being believed, being blamed for my situation, getting nowhere in investigations for which there was much evidence. This kind of thing happens in poverty, in homelessness and in mental

Wrong. Anyone who’s the victim of an attack was harmed by this. Everyone who’s been assaulted, raped, threatened, or hurt in other ways is harmed by this.

This post was made before the article was updated.

Unfortunately, we’re now living in a time where ‘left’ and ‘right’ mean nothing if both sides are committed to neoliberalism and white men dominate our institutions. 

Such a great comment. Needs more stars. 

What the MAGA folks don’t seem to realise in their racist, hand-rubbing glee- there’s really no need to bother, if he is found to have actually staged this, nothing, repeat, NOTHING will compare to the wrath that will be brought down on him by the black and queer communities.

I got banished to the greys too. Not even quite sure for what.

But the difference is this - in a nationwide manhunt for “white man in his 40s” there would have been little risk of other white dudes in their 40s being arrested or shot in ‘mistaken identity’ scenarios.

Here in Australia, basic swimming lessons for a month or two of the year (where you learn basic survival etc) are a mandatory part of the public school curriculum.

Like, most of us know he’s implicated in quite a few murders too, right?

Jay-Z, the incredible Teflon man. That really is his superpower.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that the nuclear family model and repressive societal structures they impose are a feature, not a bug of white supremacy/capitalism.