
We got stuck by the spiders!

Thank you. They’ve made just about every abominable iteration of Oreo under the sun, but never the “Less-stuf” I’ve been searching for all my life.

Exactly. Vacation fling. We’ve all been there.

No. Worse. Daddy’s LIL girl. Saw it and gasped, “Priyanka, noooooooo!”


My mom totally handed me off to a stranger on a plane once. I’d been screaming my head off, she was at her wits’ end, and a kindly old lady asked if she could try to calm me down. She still gets teary talking about how relieved she was.

Exactly. As I remember, my situation went: “Uhhh. I think I started my period.” My mom going “Oh. OH! Um. I’m not prepared for this. Can you try a tampon? Just go in the bathroom and put it... up. Let me know if you have trouble.” And then getting an awkward hug from my dad the next day. Frankly, it was perfect.

YES I was looking for this gif.

Haha so their grandchildren will still be hated... just by their own racist grandparents.

“an unconscious vision that white people have—that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country.”

Can confirm: Went to the White House, met Bo. Definitely the spokesdog.

This is bonkers. Did the bride possibly consider that after the costs of being a bridesmaid and a planned vacation, her friend might have needed some time to replenish the old coffers before shelling out for a gift? You just got married?

At the last minute, I decided to rent a portable wi-fi hotspot for my trip . It was awesome... threw it in my bag, multiple people in my group could connect to it at once, the battery life was great and it came with a back-up charger just in case. Fast wi-fi for over a week for ~$45... well worth it. Got mine from

All we need to know now is what he smells like.

+1 for impeccable use of knucklehead.

This premiere was so good it made me mad that I discovered it too soon to have a nice reserve saved up for a long, lazy, wine-soaked afternoon of binge-watching. Now I have to watch it weekly like some stupid mortal from 2008.

RIGHT? I am so upset that I didn’t have the option to not see Adam Levine’s ass.

The more NSFW warnings a link comes with, the higher the likelihood I’m going to open it at work. Because I’m an idiot who loves a dare.

This is the definition of friendship.