I don’t know... I think this safely belongs in the “She Deserves This” category. She should have a sham casserole recipe to go along with her sham marriage/job/principles. These are her people and this is how they treat women.
If by “over-stimulated by technology,” they mean “much more aware of the horrifying realities of pregnancy, motherhood, and the future of the planet thanks to the power of the internet,” then yeah, pretty much.
I moved to Texas in high school and they made us recite the Texas Pledge after the regular Pledge, which just seemed bizarre to me. I would sit for that part, since I had zero allegiance to the state. It didn’t make me any friends, but I never got shit for it and I liked being able to stage my own tiny rebellion…
The cum tree provided “seminal” moment in my adolescence when one of my guy friends cracked a joke about “the tree” being in bloom. They did not realize I would get the joke and I did not mean for them to know that I did. Things were different after that.
Holy cow thank you so much for writing this. I have all these feelings. I’ve always been on the fence about becoming a parent but feeling stuck in this crumbling society/on this failing planet has made it even harder to get on board with. Every time I read another terrifying article I do the mental math on whether…
This seems like a good time to resurrect this timeless gem:
So you’re saying... That don’t impress you much?
Had exactly this thought.
Hahahahaha I did the exact same thing
Not one funny part. The whole time. How? HOW!?
We have a family friend who was paying a kid to mow their lawn while they were out of town one summer. He and a buddy were goofing off on their hoop and he broke his arm. Then his parents sued on the grounds that the hoop wasn’t regulation height and thus a dangerous temptation to a teenaged boy. First thing I thought…
Exactly. That was what provided a fresh, second layer of hate for me. It felt so DONE. If you’re going to give me unlikable characters making stupid choices, at least give me a more original take than overeducated, overpaid, urban elite adult babies.
Hated this show from the first five minutes, hate-watched the entire season in an afternoon, texted my friends about how much I hated it the whole time. It was terrible. I am terrible.
As a person who suffers from calluses, I’m offended by your casual use of “thick skin.”
This feels unnecessarily cynical. I work in advertising and I thought it was great. And I think it’s important to note that it wasn’t just about jumping on the conversation about women, but they have a bigger, business-minded point to make that goes with it. And even though they have a bunch of old white guys on their…
The conservatives became caricatures. That’s what changed.
I have been struggling with this, because I have always been a believer in “respect the office,” etc. etc. and was very annoyed at the Tim Thomas thing. But if the guy in office doesn’t respect it, why should anyone else? The stakes have certainly changed.