
Remember when they said they would migrate all of these comments over?

So I've never used Kinja before so I'm trying to go into this with an open mind, but this made me raise an eyebrow:

It's not listed on IMDB yet but the actor is Bill Camp. His name was in the credits of this episode.

It isn't a formula and the letter grades are pretty arbitrary anyways. You're thinking way too hard about this. It doesn't matter.

I've checked my Best Buy preorder multiple times a day, every day, for the last couple of weeks. It's only gotten worse as the date approaches. It's… not healthy.

I felt the same way you did about Wonderful 101 and I'm really glad I stuck with it. That game is a gem and the final boss is one of the best in all of gaming. As jakeoti suggested, I'd also recommend just ditching the stylus and using the right stick to draw the shapes. Once I heard it described as a funky

The first time I can recall people complaining about his scoring was when he gave Elysium a C+. I don't think too many people would argue with that score these days.

Fives have lives, Fours have chores, Threes have fleas, Twos have blues, and Ones don't get a rhyme because they're garbage!

They finally figured out what to do with him in season 3 and Lee Pace has been knocking it out of the fucking park.

Steve Little deserves better.

Game of Owns

The last cutscene segment in that game, from the last time you touch the controller in the final boss fight to the end of the post-credits scene, is nearly 90 minutes long. MGS4 is a ridiculous game.

St. Rosa and the Swallows was my answer though.

Relevant Onion article:

Nah, being able to aim in first person makes the game ridiculously easy. They should have altered the level design to account for the advanced controls but they didn't and the game isn't as fun as a result.

Hey I wrote that comment!

It's similar to The Talos Principle in that it's a first person puzzle game that has you alternating between feeling like a total moron to feeling like the smartest person on the planet. That's about it though. It has some similarities to Myst as well but really it's its own thing.

I'm about 10 hours deep into this game right now and I've got to say it's the real deal, an absolute masterpiece of design. I've completed ~350 of the supposedly 600+ puzzles in the game and it is absolutely astonishing how much depth and variety Blow manages to get out the line drawing mechanic. The way concepts

OK, I guess I'll out myself here. I saw TPM in theaters when I was 9 years old and I enthusiastically loved Jar Jar at the time. I found his antics and his voice hilarious and considered him my favorite character in the movie.

Ah yes, he did win for playing noted retard Stephen Hawking.