
Absolutely 100% I can't even talk about it bleeecccchhhh

That episode was a really sad one. She was clearly mentally ill in a very basic way, and no one in her family either could fathom that or wanted to. She was way beyond many of the regular hoarder/pack rat/crazy people that were normally shown. It was really sad.

I saw that! Wasn't Cher in one of the chapters? There is a memory in my head of that movie being super hard to finish. Rough stuff.

For me it was the baby. When they discover the baby in the crib I immediately started sobbing and almost turned off the tv. It was just too real and I still can't get it out of my head.

Yeah he made tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches that I have dreams about.

Really? Wow that's a little sad…

Whatever you do, search out the BBC episode of the vegetarian restaurant bang in the center of Paris, owned by a complete fuck-off woman who got the money from her father. It's just wonderful. The restaurant is called Piccolo Teatro. (Honesty as I was looking up the name of the episode I was reminded of all the others

My kid sings that randomly all the time which makes me think he is similarly inflicted with this ear worm.

He's older than he's ever been and now he's even older, and now he's even older, and now he's even older

Is it weird that even though the Femmes have become popular and famous and have been for years, I am still happy to hear that people outside of Milwaukee even know who they are? Like, I used to sell coffee to Victor DeLorenzo and my sister went to high school with his son. They will forever seem like a tiny local band

It's always the quiet ones.

Ray: NO! I, Ray, am Vigo, shall rule the Earth! Begone, you pitiful half-men!

One of the county police departments in my area posted an update about this game, and that apparently there were spots in some parks where some of the Pokemon like to hang. It was posted as an advisory on county park hours, but it was nice to see that they seem to be aware and sort of pleased that there are people out

I call myself a broad sometimes, but by no means would I ever accept someone else doing that, especially in my workplace.

Huh. Reading that now it sounds more just like he was trying to get her kit off. This was spoken to Margaery correct?

A Funky funky eyepatch.

I am pretty sure he now has a fear of all hotels, snowy roads, and Jack Nicholson.

I was watching 2001 once and my 5 YO son wandered in and was pretty much instantly entranced. I am pretty sure he wasn't grasping a lot of the overly visual stuff (because to be honest the end confuses me as well,) but man if it didn't keep him quiet for 2 hours.

I know! maybe he will stumble his way back there. Eh, who am I kidding? They will come across his petrified body on their way to Westeros…

I would bend the knee for the Mormonts for a chance to live at Bear Island. That is the most beautiful setting in the show to my mind. Too bad we have seen it once?