
The whole soundtrack is 100% beltable, but Midnight Radio has the most kick, with Wig in a Box and Sugar Daddy running a close tie for second.

somewhere, he’s smiling at your reference.

Cannibal sandwiches FWT! I had those at my wedding reception in Milwaukee.

My favourite “deep track” from the Pumpkins is Mayonaise. But respect for Cherub Rock too.

Now playing

He also revealed the movie’s theme song.

I was thinking the same same. I don’t think he is alone in this state of mind but his position as a mogul gave him the chance to molest/assault all these women. Does he have a built-in cocaine supply or why does he even think he is god-like enough to “turn” a lesbian? It can’t be because he looks female, that’s for

I hope they give her a proper hero’s death and let her go out in style, even if it happens off screen and we only hear about it.

1. This is the only place I’ve read about this. I don’t spend my days scrolling conservative news websites. All opinions expressed are solely those of bfred.