
Who is the white-haired guy, Zakarian? Whatever. He is odious. I like Samuelsson and Sanchez. Also, I love hearing them talk. That may be why.

I am always frustrated when they have to deal with entire racks of meat (lamb, boar, etc) knowing that they have 30 minutes to cook that down. All the chefs end up having to make chops, because an entire rack will need, what, 5 hours to cook properly? This is also why I get frustrated at shows like Face Off and

Probably my favorite line.

Oh I love Starlings.

Yay White Town!

I'm late! My son was in charge of shuffle last night and he is four:

To me the best parents are already aware of all of the dangers that their kids could come into contact with, and the ones who don't probably are not too worried about their insurance anyway. It was dirty pool.

It sounds like I should just start collecting all of the albums…to iTunes I go!

Duly noted. I do agree, I am a fan of all of their albums, from what I have heard. I just love Hazards so much since it seems to feed into my theatre sensibilities so well.

So I just listened again to Hazards of Love, and was just thinking that I need more Decemberists in my life (sadly I am far behind on music). So besides the Crane Wife, is this one a good choice as well? Please help me AV Club you are my only hope.

I feel like most of Hercules is under-appreciated. I really like that movie-except for Paul Schaffer. UGH

Yes! The Green Bay Mermen! A moral victory.

And: "Beef!? In a dessert!?"

Schwimmer was in a really odd movie with Jason Lee and he plays a sports broadcaster for WGN and is a complete and utter asshole. He is kind of awesome in it. And I cannot remember the name of it…EDIT: Kissing a Fool!

"They don't know we know they know we know."

At least for one song Moreno was dubbed by Betty Wand. I am not sure if it was just for "I Have a Love" or more, or what.

I can't listen to "Cool" without getting tears in my eyes. I don't care what people say about Bernstein the climax of that song is fantastic.

I agree 100% with your final sentence. I could watch that movie endlessly.

Fozziwig: It is the time in the party for me to make a little speech

I like that she calls him "Cratchy". I love Miss Piggy.