
"Where the River Meets the Sea" is a beautiful song that makes me cry. Muppets have more feeling than most humans.

I enjoy Starfighters. I'm not even sure why since I pretty much fall asleep when I watch it. But oh the refueling scenes…

Yes I remember that as well. Love the insurance companies.

Yes and I believe she was aware of how ill he was. I like to think that speech is his goodbye to her. I am positive her tears are real.

Eleven birdies in the trees…bright yellow beaks and pinky knees!

And my name is you is now in my head. I didn't even click the link. Ear worm from childhood is thebest kind!

These for me ore the top 3 for sure. But Young Frankenstein is just so important for me since I have watched it since I was quite young.

This is one of the movies I would show to guys I was dating as a test on whether I should continue. Between this and Young Frankenstein I weeded out a lot of duds.

I love any discussion of The Bends. I love this song as well, and if anyone cares, Peter Gabriel covered it on his recent cover album.

How about going to a bar in a show and ordering "a beer." NO One orders "beer" unless they are Homer Simpson.

I really don't have a huge problem with beards, but when they started making out I was horrified that his weirdo beardo was all over her face UGH.

or he was lying on purpose so she would not continue to think of her husband as a killer, and therefore keep searching him out. Which means he either still wants her, or he respects her enough to want to help her save her marriage.

Yeah I am worried about watching Good Will Hunting because DPS was really hard to watch this time.

I have had many moments watching movies (Return to Me, Pixar, thousands of others), but musical moments will get me too. In Bernstein's West Side Story, during "Cool" I tear up at the point that the horns resolve into major and just swing. All of Fanfare for the Common Man. The middle section of Holst's "Jupiter" that

The episode where he takes the boys to the cabin and Frasier is dating a woman who is alarmingly similar to their mother (played of course by Rita Wilson.) Anyway, the end where the date has left in embarrassment and Martin and the boys watch old home movies of their mom while drinking brandy. So touching.

Good. Titanic is a terrible movie, but the quartet playing that song as people decide to drown is great. Love it.

YES the dragon. The moment he trusts Hiccup. Kills me.

The part where he plays Beethoven for his class and tells them how Beethoven wasn''t born deaf, all the while thinking of his own son who will never hear the music…I'm possibly tearing up now even thinking about it…

What no one seems to remember is there is a far more violent rapey moment when the Celts arrive to the forest and two small children are watching their mother (I assume) get almost raped in a quick scene. This one to me was more disturbing than Alan Rickman being all Rickman-ny.

Jinger is Ginger with a J. As far as all of the J names, mom Duggar claims she names the first Josh, and the next time she got pregnant it was twins, and they wanted James or something, so then they felt like they couldn't leave the other twin out so named her Jill (the order may be wrong) and then it went on. She