
As a former band person I am a little amused that band people have sex at all. Maybe I'm projecting my lonely high school existence…

What is even better are the bloopers from Emmet Otter. My sides ache after watching Muppet bloopers. Seriously, get the DVD you won't be sorry.

I love Ever After! I am so tickled by the idea that Riff Raff not only wanted to be a part of it, but played his role so joyously! It's a fine little film.

My father in law claims the same thing. He grew up in northern WI and there is now way there wasn't stuff going on. Hell, Ed Gein showed up on my MIL childhood porch asking for the time.

The scene in These Happy Golden Years? See, this is why I would never have made it as a prairie teacher. She had to live with strangers who wield butcher knives in the middle of the night. And blizzards. So many blizzards!

Grew up in Wauwatosa WI, west of Milwaukee proper, and hometown of one Spencer Tracy. Not far is Waukesha where Orson Welles was born. But we don't have a statue of those guys.

YES the yelling. Also Scribblenauts. Anyone who knows of this horror will agree. the damned loudest game ever.

I am going to see him! It's hilarious! Also, Dennis DeYoung: the songs of Styx is playing this week too. It is truly the weekend of sad frontmen solo acts.

To me movie dates are terrible BECAUSE I am an introvert. I spend the entire time worrying about how I'm sitting, and if I will accidentally touch his arm or something, or some other action that would label me as an awkward weirdo. It also delays the moment where you realize the person you are out with is an enormous

This is only true in my car. When I am the passenger in my SOs car I also pick the music. But that is because his taste is not good. He likes Billy Joel and Chicago. This cannot stand.

"I am moving my left leg, I am moving my right leg."
"I'm here, you fool!"

They actually hosted ZMF at the offices in Chicago once many years ago. He really likes Cincinnati. And he did not allow to be photographed without a mask on, if memory serves.

This is my favorite line.

very much this. the entire season's music has just been too close and yet not close enough, and it was nice to hear it resolve.

The plates in MN have combo of letters/numbers totaling 6 (AAA-111). The plates in the show had I think 8? It's a tiny detail and one they do more than likely for legal reasons, but still. I don't think the dealer plates just have the 3-more than likely it's one of those that is magnetized and the dealer slaps on for

::shakes hands:: done!

The line is " I was raised to be charming, not sincere." and it will be gone, since he says it to the Baker's wife and since he won't be seducing her, there will be no need for the line.

I've been to that Applebee's! It was horribly busy and we got at least one of our apps free. This may not be interesting.

And Watterson gave us my favorite action word: Kapwing!

Thank you,because the 2 or three lines that I was able to hear were hilarious!