
I really liked "Closing Time", but any time my local Alternative radio station does a 90s Alt weekend, they play the crap out of "Sex and Candy" and I now despise the song.

It's a great movie. I was unaware that Blake Edwards was married to Julie Andrews, and now I am sad. She can't even sing her sorrows away…

No one will see this now, but the reason the Glee episode cut out all the sex stuff was because they were TEENAGERS. RHPS is for grown-ups. Adults. People over the age of 16. I think the Glee episode was kind of trying to underline that fact.

I thought Jessica talking about her sister wearing Gretchen's clothes was telling too. "I wouldn't be caught dead in your clothes, but my sister with the odd taste would rock all your looks!"

After the finale, I have to wonder why they cut Michael C. If they were going to choose a mediocre designer, why not a guy who at least thinks women are beautiful? Michael seemed to design clothes for women to wear when they want to be admired by everyone. Gretchen's clothes looked like what a woman would wear to

I don't understand why Mondo's clothes looked "too youthful." Just because they had bold prints and pops of bright colors does not mean that only teens would wear them. In fact, most teens outside of Laguna Beach wouldn't be able to afford any of these things anyway, nor would they be caught dead in it. Besides, isn't

I really liked her top until I saw the weird arm slits. That is not attractive on a thick girl.

I always think back to Jay Carroll, who decided not to take the contract so his designs wouldn't be owned by PR. To be fair I haven't heard about his designs since his own little reality show, but I always loved his stuff. The point is, it seems many times the winners seem to get the short end of the stick sometimes.

The fact that the judges are now praising "wearable" clothes instead of forward fashions is almost like when America's Next Top Model stopped going to design houses and started going to Wal-Mart.

It amused me because it almost looked like it pained Heidi to say it. And when she did the kiss-cheek thing she looked a little annoyed. Like "OK, you're the winner. I guess. *SIGH*"

@paultoes: AMEN

See I was just worried that I didn't like Gretchen's clothes because I wouldn't wear them if someone paid me, but the linen didn't even lay right. I am a little shocked that the poopy diaper dress was liked more than the sequin pants that Michael C made.

I fully support an Alan Rickman Random Roles.

I understand why celebrities advertise their charity work, but why not just film an ad expounding on the reasons to support the charity and use all the extra money you have and give it to the charity? Creating handbags that cost hundreds of dollars for people to buy just so that a tiny percentage goes to a charitable

The people who are afraid to go into the ocean because of this movie are not pussies. During one of the anniversary extravaganza docs about Jaws, many of the makers of the movie including the producers and one of the screenwriters expressed their wariness at ever going swimming again. And they made the movie.

I love this movie. I can and will watch it anytime I run across it on TV and regularly watch it on DVD. My husband doesn't really understand why I love it so much, but I find it completely hilarious and entirely frightening.

I don't know, Father of the Bride and A Place in the Sun are pretty damn good films. I would say those films are definitely rewatchable. Some may say it's because of Spencer Tracy and Montgomery Clift respectively, but without Liz those movies would be less than what they are.

I fully agree about Gretchen's remark about her own dress. Disgusting.

Two Things
Thing one: didn't The Simpsons do this once already? I recall Eric Idle being involved.

I have friends from high school I still talk to on a regular basis, and one friend I have known since first grade. we rarely discuss high school, but mainly because three of us are new moms. (I know, anchor babies, horrible life-sucking monsters, etc.)